Steroid usage


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
So one of my co-workers mentioned that it looks like I'm using steroids and makes another comment to another co-worker. The other co-worker chimes in and says that steroid usage kills people. Goes on to throw out some names of other people he knows who had issues supposedly due to steroids.

He said one guy developed brain cancer, another lost his kidney and another lost his nuts.

I've always heard steroid usage doesn't cause serious problems unless overly used and not properly monitored.

Why do people make such harsh comments about steroids.
Because they remember the media scare during the baseball scandals and that wrestler. I never bother to correct them because then they'll think I'm admitting to using.
If used in a manner that is as responsible as we can make it (Let's face the facts guys, shooting shit that we have no idea where it comes from and who's making it or where is not really responsible) steroids are relatively safe. What makes people react with BS stories and fear tactics is we do something most people don't do. They don't get it and when people don't understand or are scared of something they belittle it. We do stuff most people won't and we look like most people don't. Jealousy plays a huge factor in it. The old "steroid users have small dicks" is my favorite. Tell that one to your old lady after she gets out of the backseat of my car because she likes my looks over yours. Most people don't take the time to educate themselves on the subject either.
Agree ^^^^^

The simple truth is that these guys aren't attacking steroids. What they are doing is defending the way they themselves look, as if they too could be in great shape if they only took steroids.

I'll also say this... people in general put far worse things into their bodies than anything I've ever injected. 99% of those folks are going to die from being unhealthy long before I die from anything I take to increase muscle mass.
male or female co-workers?
oh, i see: "He"

"He" is just jealous. Just tell him you have been maximizing your natty gains and using creatine and protein powders.
bossman said:
male or female co-workers?
Were you going to go with "F her" for your answer? I don't blame you if you were. It's almost always the correct answer.

1. Dr's who don't know shit about anabolics (I would say a majority of brothers on this board know more than your average doc.)

2. Media that sensationalize stories about steroids. Remember Mark McGuire who was taking pro-hormones. The pro wrestler who.killed his family. Lyle Alzado connecting brain cancer to his steroid use. And on and on. These stories were where steroids may have been a contributing factor not the primary factor. The primary factor doesn't sale copy.

3. Misinformed brothers and sisters of iron. Tren will make liver turn to jelly...Test will shrink up your nuts forever and lead to impotence. Steroids make your head big. Steroids will make your heart to big. Blah blah

I think it's basically a lack of education.
I thought it was all nonsense. How does a hormones create cancer cells. I can see it making testicles shrink but losing balls because of it, I couldn't imagine how.

So many people are negative towards steroids but I agree with y'all it's a lack of education.
If someone that is using AAS develops cancer the use of AAS can cause the cancer cells to grow at a much faster rate. AAS don't cause cancer but they will in most cases spread the cancer at a much faster rate. This is one of true scary facts about what we do. Not looking for argument and if you don't agree I suggest you do some research first. having said that, if you are not in the danger zone for cancer you will most likely be ok. If your a heavy smoker and have a family history of cancer you should be careful.
AkProGuy said:
If someone that is using AAS develops cancer the use of AAS can cause the cancer cells to grow at a much faster rate. AAS don't cause cancer but they will in most cases spread the cancer at a much faster rate. This is one of true scary facts about what we do. Not looking for argument and if you don't agree I suggest you do some research first. having said that, if you are not in the danger zone for cancer you will most likely be ok. If your a heavy smoker and have a family history of cancer you should be careful.
Yep. And once again if you are prone to cancer then yep AAS could be a contributing factor.
T-bar said:
Were you going to go with "F her" for your answer? I don't blame you if you were. It's almost always the correct answer.

haha, no i wasn't going there.
My cholesterol sky rocket on it when using cup but I should of cycle on and off of it but didnt. And when I took teen my kidney levels were fucking high to
halfnatty said:
My cholesterol sky rocket on it when using cup but I should of cycle on and off of it but didnt. And when I took teen my kidney levels were fucking high to
I had to change up my diet to adjust for sky rocketing cholesterol. Cutting out whole eggs and adding in oatmeal with fresh blueberries every morning did the trick. As usual diet plays a major factor in our results.

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