Steroid use on the kidneys


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Im posting this mainly because during my last set of labs I had some issues with my kidneys. (Proteinurea, Protein in my urine).


Athletes who use anabolic steroids may gain muscle mass and strength, but they can also destroy their kidney function, according to a paper being presented at the American Society of Nephrology's 42nd Annual Meeting and Scientific Exposition in San Diego, CA. The findings indicate that the habitual use of steroids has serious harmful effects on the kidneys that were not previously recognized.

Reports of professional athletes who abuse anabolic steroids are increasingly common. Most people know that using steroids is not good for your health, but until now, their effects on the kidneys have not been known. Leal Herlitz, MD (Columbia University Medical Center) and her colleagues recently conducted the first study describing injury to the kidneys following long-term abuse of anabolic steroids. The investigators studied a group of 10 bodybuilders who used steroids for many years and developed protein leakage into the urine and severe reductions in kidney function. Kidney tests revealed that nine of the ten bodybuilders developed a condition called focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, a type of scarring within the kidneys. This disease typically occurs when the kidneys are overworked. The kidney damage in the bodybuilders has similarities to that seen in morbidly obese patients, but appears to be even more severe.
When the bodybuilders discontinued steroid use their kidney abnormalities improved, with the exception of one individual with advanced kidney disease who developed end-stage kidney failure and required dialysis. Also, one of the bodybuilders started taking steroids again and suffered a relapse of severe kidney dysfunction.
The researchers propose that extreme increases in muscle mass require the kidneys to increase their filtration rate, placing harmful levels of stress on these organs. It's also likely that steroids have direct toxic effects on the kidneys. "Athletes who use anabolic steroids and the doctors caring for them need to be aware of the potentially serious risks to the kidney," said Dr. Herlitz.
This study was conducted in the laboratory of Dr. Vivette D'Agati, MD at Columbia Univeristy Medical Center. Study co-authors include Glen Markowitz, MD, Joshua Schwimmer, MD, Michael Stokes, MD, Cheryl Kunis, MD, Vivette D'Agati, MD, (Columbia University Medical Center); Alton Farris, MD, and Robert Colvin, MD (Massachusetts General Hospital).
The study abstract, "Development of FSGS Following Anabolic Steroid Use in Bodybuilders," (TH-PO163) will be presented as part of a Poster Session during the American Society of Nephrology's 42nd Annual Meeting and Scientific Exposition on Oct. 29 in the Scientific Exposition Hall of the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, CA.

Here is the Abstract from the above article
This is what forced Flex Wheeler to retire and he later needed a kidney transplant the year he retired in 2003!
Thanks for posting. I have been battling kidneystones for the last 8 years, 2 or 3 a year sometimes. I also started cycling again bout 8 years ago. Wonder if there could be a connection?
Make sure to be supplementing with TUDCA + NAC, I will use Damage Control + extra TUDCA & NAC when running orals, but even when just cruising I will use the combo, drink apple cider vinegar daily, lots of water.
MuscleAddiction said:
Make sure to be supplementing with TUDCA + NAC, I will use Damage Control + extra TUDCA & NAC when running orals, but even when just cruising I will use the combo, drink apple cider vinegar daily, lots of water.
Yea, Ive been running damage control and picked up a tub of TUDCA to add and just ordered NAC 600mg. I started Apple cider vinegar and aloe vera juice about 2 months ago as well, I should have the cleanest liver ever, however I still feel pain in my kidneys by the end of the day. Its been 3 months since my labs so I going in tomorrow to get more done to see if my kidneys are better. To be safe though I am running a mild cycle. Test, EQ and Var just to make sure things are ok.
Just make sure you are drinking tons of water, also get that NAC going...when not blasting I take 500mg TUDCA + 1000mg NAC everyday, then ramp it up by a few hundred mg when blasting with orals. Damage Control has only 200mg of TUDCA which is why I will add additional, same with NAC, just to be on safe side. I hope the best for your test, make sure you drink that apple cider vinegar morning and night, 2 tbsp each time. Also start drinking detox tea at night with honey and lemon, helps you sleep and kidneys will love you too.
MuscleAddiction said:
Just make sure you are drinking tons of water, also get that NAC going...when not blasting I take 500mg TUDCA + 1000mg NAC everyday, then ramp it up by a few hundred mg when blasting with orals. Damage Control has only 200mg of TUDCA which is why I will add additional, same with NAC, just to be on safe side. I hope the best for your test, make sure you drink that apple cider vinegar morning and night, 2 tbsp each time. Also start drinking detox tea at night with honey and lemon, helps you sleep and kidneys will love you too.
Awesome thanks for the advice. When I first started the apple cider vinegar I was drinking 2 ounces in the am and 2 ounces in the pm haha, I didn't know all I needed was 2 Tbsp, it was getting expensive at 4 ounces a day!! I felt like an idiot when I found out.
Do you guys break up the TUDCA and NAC into daily doses or all at once?
I wonder if this renal disease could also be correlated with higher protein intake. Many people will leak a little protein if thier intake is high. If this causes issues in the glomerus then could this also be correlated to thier diet.

I think the correlation with respect to the study is very weak. It is a retrospective study with a really small sample size so the p value would be unreliable. There could also be other reasons why this occurred. I would also like to know if anyone was precluded from this study which happens all the time.

For instance, the seven countries study conducted by ancel keys which is the foundation of "cholesterol is bad." He took out the other 14 countries that did not match his theory. All the doctors ran with it and became taught in medical school and still is today.

Conducting real studies without any motivation from researchers is difficult because everyone is bias. I have not doubt long term, high dosage hormones, other drugs, alcohol and really high protein diets might cause renal issues. However, what were these guys other co morbidities. There were 10 guys. If 50 percent of the people that took steroids there would be many of us on dialysis. Just saying, not hating.

I realize some pro's might have to retire over health problems but is it associated with hormones or lifestyle. Hopefully not many of us are sacrificing everything just to look great unless we are professionals. Most of the guys here seem pretty responsible with respecting these drugs which is why I like this board.
Great read !!! I take Damage Control at 4 pills a day but have been considering on getting more TUDCA & NAC !!! Like MA said , it doesn't hurt on adding alittle more of these things into the mix.
But I'm not on any orals ATM but still think the benefits there would be great !!!
This is a great study - I gave bloods done every 6 months .. 12 years down the road .. Never had any issues with liver or kidney

But .. I don't smoke, drink or use rec drugs at all .. Drink plenty of water / Etc
i never knew TUDCA was for kidneys too.... thought it was just liver protectant?... i better get some

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