Steroids and Surgery


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Has anyone heard that if your using Steroids and on cycle and have a surgery where Anesthesia is required you could have a stroke or some side effects?
If anything I would think it would vastly improve recovery depending on type of surgery.

They will draw complete blood count (h/h, wbc, rbc, etc), clotting factors (pt, ptt, inr), and complete metabolic panel (electrolytes) prior. If those check out you should be gtg.

However if you taking any diuretics, bp meds, insulin, metformin, or any otc (asprin, herbs etc) and this I would definitely share with health provider if you already haven't.
Don't do it. I tried it when I broke my scaphoid bone in my wrist and had surgery and the cartilage regrew 4 times larger because of the juice and now I have very small mobility and lots of pain. I was cycling the whole time. My good friend is a doctor and I told him what I was doing and he informed me of what was gonna happen but by thst time it was too late.
AK thank you for your response bro. I believe your right, I'm going to postpone it for awhile. Only having a minor surgery done but has to be under anesthesia.

Any idea of how long to wait after a cycle that it would be safe to do? Also would it be safe to do on a low dose 200mG/week cruise?
If I PCT now is 3 weeks long enough to get the Test C 500mG out of system? NPP would be out of system in days, maybe a week tops I'm sure.
Daredevil said:
If I PCT now is 3 weeks long enough to get the Test C 500mG out of system? NPP would be out of system in days, maybe a week tops I'm sure.
Well, PCT is to aid in recovery of hormone production, it doesn't bring Testosterone levels down on its own, as I'm most assured you know. That being said, with Test Cypionate, seeing you took 500mg's/week, your elevated levels won't really bottom out for 5 weeks or so. We can't just think half-life in this situation, you have to think about blood saturation as well.

The exact timing for your PCT is determined by the elimination half-life of the compound in use. Let's use your Test Cypionate as an example. We know each injection has an elimination half-life of approximately 8 days (terminal being right around 10-14 days, peak @5). A dose of 200 mg/week should produce blood levels of around 2000-2400 ng/dL after several weeks of use. It would take about 3 half lives (24 days) for testosterone levels to drop to approximately 250-300 ng/dL at that dose. Thus, the PCT program would be initiated a few days to one week after the last Test C injection. The program would be delayed with higher doses. For example, at 500 mg per week of TC/TE it should take approximately 4 half lives (32 days) for testosterone to drop below your normal range. In your case, PCT would be initiated about two weeks after the last Test C injection.
I do know that steroids can affect the healing process of surgery. I had a double hernia surgery and I was on cycle when I had it fixed and the incision would not heal properly, the sutures looked like how you lace shoes up from hole to hole and the space in between, the cut didn't heal together because the steroids caused them to not clot or something so they wouldn't heal and after 6 weeks of trying everything to get the incision to heal itself together the doctor decided the best thing would be to have me go back under the knife and basically have the surgery over again and he cut the incision back open and cut the sides back because they had the suture holes and he re stitched it back up and put a different kind of suture in and it finally healed. All this time I didn't take anything from the day of the first surgery so I had come off pretty much by the second surgery. He asked me if I was on anything on the visit before he did the second surgery and I told him what I was on, he said he could not figure out why they weren't healing and after I told him he said that was why and he didn't think of that because my form had said I wasn't on any medication or outside drugs at the time of surgery.

So if you go for surgery make sure you are off cycle because it can cause all kinds of complications.

Depending on what doctor you're going to, if they are clueless about AAS, they tend to blame everything on that if you tell them.

For example I had a time about 2 years ago I was literally getting sick every single other week for months straight. Went to my family doctor asked them to run blood work and figure out if I had any issues with levels of whatever they needed to test. He asked questions on anything I'm taking etc.. told him I was on test and trends at the moment which is all I ever blast anyways mostly. That was it he said.. refused to run blood work until I got off. Swapped doctors and went to another one my mom goes to. Same response but she ran bloods. Came back "fine" and that I needed to get off AAS. Lasted for a few months and I gave up. I used to get severe heart burn on a daily basis and I did reading and that is a cause to drop immune system. Got on some nexium for 3 months and heart burn nearly ever comes back anymore and I never get sick.. another phase was me getting hypoglycemia. . Got to the point I was near passing out daily so I went get tested. Told different doctor I was taking this and that.. suddenly that was the only factor causing it when results came back.. til this day I still run test and tren and I just changed my eating habits from a few larger meals a day to multiple and take a strong heart burn medicine a few times a week and I never get sick or hypoglycemia attacks anymore. . And every doctor blamed the AAS without digging deeper to try and help me.

Since then I've learned telling a doctor what I'm on is my last resort and will never openly say it again unless we've exhausted all options. Just my personal experience. It's a scape goat to blame anything they are stumped on or if they messed up they blame that taking all odds off them.

Edit: now if I was having high blood pressure, heart attack, cholesterol issues, or something of that nature then yes.. I'd out right bring it up.. but for random shit like I was having.. I learned my lesson on openly providing that information.
i dont see a trt dose harming. stroke is a possibility on any hormone related product for the most part
To those of you above, I understand that you believe that's these surgical complications were from being "on", but its NOT a fact that these complications were a result of AAS use. There are surgical complications all the time during Post OP.
Well my family doc will openly discuss AAS with me and we will go over what can happen and how things work and all kinds of stuff, he is really cool about it and he never blames anything on AAS use, he knows I do them and he has no problem looking for the real cause of anything that I go in for without using AAS as a scapegoat.

Now the doc I seen about my hernia operation had tried for 3 months to find out why I wasn't healing and that was when he finally asked if I had been on anything or taken anything recently. He didn't jump right to AAS being a cause, he worked for months not even knowing that I was on anything attempting to find out what the problem was, so I don't think it was just a complication as it lasted for several months and a lot of things were tried to solve the problem but to no avail. I do believe that it was the AAS use that was keeping me from healing because after I was off for a few months I healed up just fine and all my other surgeries I healed up fine but I was off cycle wen I went and had them, I think had I been on cycle it might have played out differently with healing up from the operation.

TheMuscleMan said:
Well my family doc will openly discuss AAS with me and we will go over what can happen and how things work and all kinds of stuff, he is really cool about it and he never blames anything on AAS use, he knows I do them and he has no problem looking for the real cause of anything that I go in for without using AAS as a scapegoat.

Now the doc I seen about my hernia operation had tried for 3 months to find out why I wasn't healing and that was when he finally asked if I had been on anything or taken anything recently. He didn't jump right to AAS being a cause, he worked for months not even knowing that I was on anything attempting to find out what the problem was, so I don't think it was just a complication as it lasted for several months and a lot of things were tried to solve the problem but to no avail. I do believe that it was the AAS use that was keeping me from healing because after I was off for a few months I healed up just fine and all my other surgeries I healed up fine but I was off cycle wen I went and had them, I think had I been on cycle it might have played out differently with healing up from the operation.

mine basically gives me what I want then yells at me when my test comes back higher lol
TheMuscleMan said:
Well my family doc will openly discuss AAS with me and we will go over what can happen and how things work and all kinds of stuff, he is really cool about it and he never blames anything on AAS use, he knows I do them and he has no problem looking for the real cause of anything that I go in for without using AAS as a scapegoat.

Now the doc I seen about my hernia operation had tried for 3 months to find out why I wasn't healing and that was when he finally asked if I had been on anything or taken anything recently. He didn't jump right to AAS being a cause, he worked for months not even knowing that I was on anything attempting to find out what the problem was, so I don't think it was just a complication as it lasted for several months and a lot of things were tried to solve the problem but to no avail. I do believe that it was the AAS use that was keeping me from healing because after I was off for a few months I healed up just fine and all my other surgeries I healed up fine but I was off cycle wen I went and had them, I think had I been on cycle it might have played out differently with healing up from the operation.

I hear what you are saying and I know you feel 100% that AAS were the cause, however your story still lacks concrete evidence. Did your surgery give you the patho of how AAS interfere with post op recovery? OR did he just say oh ok that's probably it and leave it that?? (passing the buck)

Just a few things that come to mind with surgical complications like yours....

There is a lot of abdominal pressure in that area. Maybe the sutures he had place originally didn't cut it. I've seen some of the heavier duty stitching where both staples and sutures where needed, maybe this was needed in your case. Who knows?

Could also be you didn't splint/brace the wound properly while vagaling down when taking a crap or coughing and deep breathing. Or maybe you began lifting activity too soon after your surgery causing wound dehiscence.

Also have to consider infection to be a possibility as well. How did your labs look? Where you on antibotics?

There is just so much to speculate as you can see. With you and the other member here, I've never heard of anyone having surgical complications related to steroids. And I've been on these boards for almost 10 years.
lith56bigguy said:
mine basically gives me what I want then yells at me when my test comes back higher lol
My doctor is really cool, he is probably my age maybe a couple years older. He and I will sit and talk about what I do and how I do them and he will give me his thoughts on it, he has never told me to stop or anything, he says I seem to know what I am doing and be careful.

The doctor had said that the steroids were causing a lot of fluid retention and that was keeping the area to moist and the blood from clotting and healing the incision together, fluid was oozing out of the incision and it wasn't an infection because he would have caught that and I would have felt and infection with redness and tenderness. He tried stuff to dry it up but it didn't work. I was on 1500mg of test e and 750mg of deca a week. I know that you retain fluid from doses like those, I was bloated and had a moon face!, so what he said made perfect sense to me.

Yes I was given antibiotics when he first did the surgery.
I did not lift for almost 2 years after the surgery, I had the double hernia surgery then I had my rotator cuff tendon and bicep long head tendon repaired right after.
I have been on the boards since 1999, was a member of over 30 boards at once, vet/vip status on many of them, super mod/mod on several, ran a board as admin, and I cant recall hearing about complications from steroids either, but that don't mean they don't happen!

TMM, your a great source and a great contributing member, so please don't take this the wrong way. I just wanted to get more clarification and to make sure the info being passed around wasn't only subjective.

So basically what your saying here, is it wasn't aas in general that caused the complications, but more so the heavily aromatizing steroids. To me this makes a little more sense.

Also I don't know the entire situation or circumstance of what happen to you, but there are medical devices such as a jackson pratt and hemo vac, which are used for drainage. Based on what your saying here I'm would think your wound and dressings would be seeping abnormally and they would of caught this earlier. It was you surgeons call though, and I'm sure he had his reasoning. Anyhow, I'm glad you worked it out. Surgery sucks anyway you look it.
rare occurrence and probably stupid but I stayed on 250 mg of test and 50mg proviron throughout my knee surgery which was a complex one

I had no issues. Had super fast recovery, and missed no work. GH was a big factor in that also

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