Summer Cycle help


Jacked Immortal
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EG Cash
So. I was hoping I could get some advice on a good spring/summer 12-14 week blast. I have different stuff so would love peoples input on past cycles and they have done.

Here is my goal....get in 8%-10% BF. Currently at 14%. Add strength and some mass.
6'1 218lbs

Here is what I have
Test E
Test P
Tren A
Mast P & E

I'm open to suggestions. Never ran Tren. Would like to run a low dose maybe for a little bit and see how it treats me.
If you want to keep it simple with the Tren..........then run Prop and Tren Eod. You can add in Anavar. Run for 10 weeks. Stay away from the Drol to drop size. If you're comfortable with the other compounds, then make the combo Prop/Tren a/Mast P, again eod.

I say all that to say this, if You're at 14% now and want 8% you better have an excellent diet in place. You WILL NOT drop 50% of your body fat by running gear, you WILL drop it by eating correctly for your goals and body composition.
TSizemore said:
If you want to keep it simple with the Tren..........then run Prop and Tren Eod. You can add in Anavar. Run for 10 weeks. Stay away from the Drol to drop size. If you're comfortable with the other compounds, then make the combo Prop/Tren a/Mast P, again eod.

I say all that to say this, if You're at 14% now and want 8% you better have an excellent diet in place. You WILL NOT drop 50% of your body fat by running gear, you WILL drop it by eating correctly for your goals and body composition.
Well said!
Yep...Run your Tren A / Test P eod. Be ready for the Prop pain (right of passage) and once your comfortable you can add in the Var and Winny towards the end of your Tren cycle (8 week run) and replace the Prop for Cyp or Test E and run that for a while.! Water...water. ..water!
If you've never ran Tren I'd suggest pinning ed if you're comfy w/pining. This will relieve sides.
TSizemore said:
If you want to keep it simple with the Tren..........then run Prop and Tren Eod. You can add in Anavar. Run for 10 weeks. Stay away from the Drol to drop size. If you're comfortable with the other compounds, then make the combo Prop/Tren a/Mast P, again eod.

I say all that to say this, if You're at 14% now and want 8% you better have an excellent diet in place. You WILL NOT drop 50% of your body fat by running gear, you WILL drop it by eating correctly for your goals and body composition.
Tsize has your answers!

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