Summer Cycle- Test/1-Test DHB/Anavar


Jacked Immortal
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Hey guys, so Im planning my summer cycle and wanted to bring it here and get some feedback.

I want this thread to be two fold, one how the cycle looks and two for a discussion on 1-Test Cyp (DHB). There is a thread on Draks forum about the PIP of it, But I figured Id bring it here for everyone to openly discuss their overall experiences with it since its relatively new to me but have heard good things.

Cycle layout: 10 weeks
300mg Test E/week
600mg 1-Test OR Primo/week
80mg Anavar/day
**and maybe some tren TD for a preworkout

12.5mg Aromasin/day
Caber on hand in case
500iu HCG 1x per week
3 Liv52 DS/day

Clomid 100/75/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5/12.5/12.5

This is a cut cycle and I will be aiming for 3500 cals daily (30% Carbs 40% protein 30% fat) on rest days I will lower carbs even further and up healthy fats. I will only consume starchy carbs (sweet potatoes or brown/wild rice) once per day in my PWO meal.

27, 6'1", 235 bout 18% BF

Lets here those DHB reviews!!!!
Augustwest said:
Hey guys, so Im planning my summer cycle and wanted to bring it here and get some feedback.

I want this thread to be two fold, one how the cycle looks and two for a discussion on 1-Test Cyp (DHB). There is a thread on Draks forum about the PIP of it, But I figured Id bring it here for everyone to openly discuss their overall experiences with it since its relatively new to me but have heard good things.

Cycle layout: 10 weeks
300mg Test E/week
600mg 1-Test OR Primo/week
80mg Anavar/day
**and maybe some tren TD for a preworkout

12.5mg Aromasin/day
Caber on hand in case
500iu HCG 1x per week
3 Liv52 DS/day

Clomid 100/75/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5/12.5/12.5

This is a cut cycle and I will be aiming for 3500 cals daily (30% Carbs 40% protein 30% fat) on rest days I will lower carbs even further and up healthy fats. I will only consume starchy carbs (sweet potatoes or brown/wild rice) once per day in my PWO meal.

27, 6'1", 235 bout 18% BF

Lets here those DHB reviews!!!!
JMO but at 18% BF fuck var and 1 test cyp....tren a, tren a, trean a, and test p and some mast will make you look great. Did I mention trena a?
Wacker said:
JMO but at 18% BF fuck var and 1 test cyp....tren a, tren a, trean a, and test p and some mast will make you look great. Did I mention trena a?
Well .... you mentioned tren a, tren a, and trean a, but no, you didn't mention trena a. Good advice bro.
yea im only 27 and this is cycle #3 for me. not taking the tren plunge yet. I also am 18% now after my winter bulk cycle. I will be much leaner by the time I start this (may or june) and will rely on dieting and cardio for the rest of the way.
Augustwest said:
yea im only 27 and this is cycle #3 for me. not taking the tren plunge yet. I also am 18% now after my winter bulk cycle. I will be much leaner by the time I start this (may or june) and will rely on dieting and cardio for the rest of the way.
Gear is gear...tren is no worse for you than the other stuff your taking. Why fuck around with multiple compounds when you have access to the best?
i have never ran but that looks like a great cycle to me, i have heard people claim that high doses of anavar gets some tren like effects and also heard the same about the 1-test.. so you can get tren like effects without the sides.

i am just starting a 1-test run... and am hoping it lives up to the hype...good luck bro... i'll let you guys know how my experience goes
Augustwest said:
Run tren, ok got it thx for your input.

Anyone got some actual helpful responses?
A litlle confused with the smart as comment? What kind of helpful info did you want? You asked for comments on your cycle if your set on it or just want three stars dont ask for comments. I have done 1 test cyp as well as read more than a few write ups on it and have have not seen one that says its a good compound as a stand alone...if your goal is to add lean muscle and burn fat the best compound made for that is tren a...if you want to play with other booster compounds be my guest but dont belittle the truth or my time.
I wasn't trying to be a dick, moreso trying to just end that convo there. And I was short b/c "add tren" is everyones answer for every cycle. I get it, its the best but its not always the best compound for everyone when you weigh the pros and cons along with your specific goals. I don't compete this is simply a hobby and don't care for the harshness of tren at this time.

Can you supply me with a more detailed review of 1-test? everything ive read said its like a stonger primo which doesn't sound too bad to me.
krustus said:
i have never ran but that looks like a great cycle to me, i have heard people claim that high doses of anavar gets some tren like effects and also heard the same about the 1-test.. so you can get tren like effects without the sides.

i am just starting a 1-test run... and am hoping it lives up to the hype...good luck bro... i'll let you guys know how my experience goes
awesome thx a bunch bro. What you've heard is in directly in line with what ive heard. just always like to know as much as possible before deciding a compound.

Im in the same boat with tren. I get sides from pretty much everything besides test. I don't compete and have a very serious career. So the cons outweigh the pros......for now.

Rly look forward to your review on the 1-test. WHat other compounds will be ran with it? Like I said I don't start my cycle til may or june so itl be good to hear feedback
In clinical research Anavar has diminishing returns starting around 80mg's/day. Just food for thought. This is under therapeutic treatment also.
i'm running low test (125mg week)
Npp 300 a week
Mast e 400 a week
1-test starting at 400-500 a week... we'll see

kicking with tbol for 6-8 weeks

i did this same cycle minus the 1-test last year. and love the effects and no real sides either.
Hanzo said:
In clinical research Anavar has diminishing returns starting around 80mg's/day. Just food for thought. This is under therapeutic treatment also.
I've heard that before also. unless you feel that your not getting the results you want i wouldn't go over 60mg/day.
Augustwest said:
so your saying stick closer to 60?
Well, like I said, the studies were done in clinical research, which would be in a hospital treating HIV/AIDS patients, burn patients, children with dwarfism, etc. This research wasn't done on a guy in a gym. I think we should probably stick close to the line. So, I like 75/ed myself.

I like taking 25mg's/e8hrs. I'm kinda' OCD about keeping blood levels stable. Anavar half life is 9 hours.

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