Supercharge your physique with Paleo dieting


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Supercharge your physique with Paleo dieting

January 7, 2015 By John Doe

Forget what you see in mainstream bodybuilding for a minute. I’m here to tell you straight up that you aren’t going to look that way unless you dedicate everything in your life to drugs, drug, drugs, bodybuilding, and a grocery bill that will leave you broke!! If you have a job, family, or any other responsibilities then let’s get our heads on straight and come at this from a realistic approach. Let me help clear the smoke for a minute and give you a clear vision on exactly what you can do to get in your best shape ever by spring.

First off, steroids are overrated. The real secret is the diet. Training you ask? Shit, high volume, low volume, 6 days per week, 3 days per week, doesn’t matter much to be honest. As long as you are challenging yourself and keeping things intense and you have the diet to go with it, you can look amazing!! And yes, on minimal supplements or steroids.

Do I use steroids? Yes I do. Do I use a lot? Nope. I probably use a small fraction of what most guys use and my physique blows away guys running 2-3 grams of shit a week. I know my body, plain and simple. It has taken me years and years to learn my body, but I know exactly what to do in the gym and how to eat.

I do many different styles of training and dieting, and I am never solely reliant on one particular style all year long. Sometimes I do 300 grams/day of carbs, and sometimes I do under 100 grams/day. It’s all about a battle strategy, and knowing what to do at what time. With that being said, part of your success with developing a jaw dropping physique is going to be having an open mind.

So let me enlighten you on something that you can do to get in extremely good condition fast. I’m talking about a Paleo diet here. For years I chalked this up as tree-hugger bullshit, but not anymore. My body has gone into warp speed lately and what I thought was about 12 weeks condition turned into 4-6 weeks condition after just 2 short weeks of Paleo.

I’m just sharing with you guys what has worked for me, and I don’t consider myself the ultimate source of knowledge here. But this has worked for me, period. I eliminated all of my carb sources with the exception of apples. That’s right, I pretty much eat about 3-4 apples every fucking day for my carbs. I eat lean meats, whole eggs, bacon, coconut oil, nuts, green veggies, and just drink water and coffee.

Now, how many meals per day? I couldn’t tell you that. I eat when I’m hungry and I drink when I’m thirsty. It’s totally instinctive at this point. What makes this so easy for me is its simplicity!! As long as I’m eating from these food choices and eating when I’m hungry there is no way I cannot get lean!! Grocery shopping is easy, food prep is nothing, and for the most part I feel pretty damn good.

The exception to this daily routine is about halfway through the week where I carb up just a tad more and maybe have a few yams. I feel like halfway through the week I need something a little heavier, so I eat a few yams. I eat no starches or grains. Apples, apples, and more motherfucking apples!! And my body fat is melting off!!

Steroids? I use 400mg/wk of NPP (fast acting deca) and 200mg/wk test, nothing more!! And 400mg/wk on the NPP is even high for me, as I rarely go over 300/wk. The results of this mild cycle combined with Paleo dieting has left me at virtually the same starting body weight, but my jeans are falling off my waist already and my abs are in pretty good. I haven’t lost a pound and I’ve slashed my body fat by at least 3-5% already (If I had to guess).

I really started this whole thing based on what old school bodybuilders did in terms of training, mild dosing, and dieting. I basically decided to mirror what many of those guys did, and really a Paleo diet just made sense here. And as they did in the 70’s, one day a week is usually a free day for me where I may eat off the diet a few meals that day. And do you want to know the killer about all of this? I have yet to start back on cardio!! I didn’t want to lose too quickly so I took time off cardio while adjusting to this.

So there you have it. This is exactly what I’ve been doing and it’s paying off big time!! And low and behold, my grocery bill has dropped during this time as well. Every here and there I still do a protein shake for convenience and cost effectiveness, but other than that it’s all natural food sources. I believe a Paleo diet leaves a man the way a man was meant to look. Not overly musclebound or blocky looking, but a pleasant physique with good muscle and definition.

One more thing I’d like to add here; let’s talk about what being big really is. I think a lot of guys just don’t understand how large 180-220 lbs can look if it’s quality. I have been backstage at bodybuilding events and seen guys who looked amazing, and figured they were in the top of the light heavyweight division or maybe even in my division as a heavyweight. Then when you start talking to the guy, he tells you he’s a fucking middleweight!! You have to remember that a guy walking onstage at 190 lbs, may have dieted down from an already in-shape 210-220 lbs!!! A guy who is a heavyweight may have dropped down from 275 lbs!!! Yes, these people are very large and their version of “fat” isn’t the same as everyone else’s. Hell, my version of fat is when I cannot see my obliques and only have traces of my abs, or my veins aren’t busting out like I want them to. But just understand something here; you may look a hell of a lot bigger than you think once you diet off the fat and can see what’s left under there!!

Let’s get real here and stop chasing a look that your budget and lifestyle won’t allow.

Go for quality!! Go for health!! Now go kill it!!

-John Doe

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