Test cyp cycle


fuck diet tren hard bitch
Jacked Immortal
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EG Cash
My guy wants to run test at 350 a week for 6 weeks and he’s on test cyp 100 a week like I am from the doctor but Iv never did anything like this so I have know clue what to tell him lol but he wants to run test prop 50 mgs Ed Monday trough Friday to total 350 while he’s on he’s cyp trt. he just wants to do a 6 week bulk. And he’s estrogen sensitive and even at 100 his shit will raise so he wanted me to find out how much adex to keep his shit in control. Thank you
pin 50 mg a day? seams kinda pointless to me,
I think he wants that because prop will leave his body fast so his test will go back to normal for trt blood work
I am estro sens as well it sucks but for me prop is easy to control. He will need 500 mg per wk to make it worth it. He could add in mast p or epistane to make better gains and tame the estro bitch. I use arimidex as needed. If he uses mast or epi much less ai is needed. Also notice running npp low to moderate dose with test p mitigates estro sides assume due to receptor competition.
Plus a pin of 50 ed just pointless scar tissue chance of infection etc.
Id rather see 100 eod than 50 ed to be honest.
If he is sensitive, he is probably going to have to at least double the dose his trt doc has him on. Don't want your estrogen to be high as fuck and test low when he goes back for bloods or they may lower his trt dose.
When I added prop for the same reason on trt, my estrogen shot up with the 1mg adex ed I was on to the point he wanted me to see a edno lol now I use aroma when I add shit.
Yea wacker, I found out years ago adex felt weak to me and with all the pluses from aromasin I went with it instead when I run one. I never ran one for years (no need) and had awesome growth, stop lifting shrink some and within a couple months of lifting shit I blew right back up. Aromasin has a number of benefits including raining your natural test levels. Good stuff
Being on trt and 'adding' can be a nightmare depending on dr.
So often i see guys regret trt. But they refuse to listen
My guy wants to run test at 350 a week for 6 weeks and he’s on test cyp 100 a week like I am from the doctor but Iv never did anything like this so I have know clue what to tell him lol but he wants to run test prop 50 mgs Ed Monday trough Friday to total 350 while he’s on he’s cyp trt. he just wants to do a 6 week bulk. And he’s estrogen sensitive and even at 100 his shit will raise so he wanted me to find out how much adex to keep his shit in control. Thank you
halfnattyGhrp-6 makes me eat like crazy..... If he’s having a hard time bulking tell him to go Keto. Carbs fill me up quickly, so I do that for when I’m cutting... I hop on Keto to clean bulk, due to heavy fats. (9 calories. vs 4 calories)

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