Test e 300


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Alright so i get 5 bottles of AAS from a trusted source. I go through 3 bottles already no problem. Now i crack open a bottle of test e 300. 1 of the other bottles ive used has been test e 300 no problem. I did 1/2 ml fri. In shoulder. Swole up red painful. Tues. Do another 1/2 ml. In glutes. Same pain. Could it possibly be because im only using 1/2 ml. Like maybe the esters being taken up n 120 or so of hormone is recrystalizing. Its very thick.
Never had a problem and ive been using this source for 12+ years. Its been a month or so since ive used this source maybe my body just has to just readjust.
Do you still have swelling and pain from your first injection?...if so it may have been an unsterile vial causing a possible infection. Did it happen right away or did it take some time for the swelling to occur?....if it happen right away there may have been an error in the brewing process with an excess or BA.

Keep a eye on it and watch for an excess of swelling or possible discoloration indicating a possible infection.
Happened right away its a good lump and hurts but no discoloration. Both bottles of t300 were same batch number. No problem with first one.
Was it Crystallized in the vial before you pinned and had to warm it up, did you get it warm enough to dissolve all the crystals? Could be one of those three things, contaminated?, to much BA or crystals not totally dissolved.
No crystals but thick. I havent used his stuff in a month or so but i dont remember the other bottles being this thick. Pains down in first inj site. No redness or heat. I really think my body just has to readjust. I know his stuffs overdosed. Hes told me n my labs at 750mg test e a week n 750 npp a week my total test was >10000 ng per dl
Exactly what I was thinking if the pain and swelling persist is definitely an infection.
It feels over concentrated to me. I had tne like that before i had to cut it everytime. Well whatever im just using honests 250 test e.
I doubt that it would be an infection if the swelling occurred that fast.
I would warm it up really good before pinning and then massage the site real good under hot water when u hit the shower. Should Def help with any pain or swelling.
You could add some oild to dilute it if you got any sterile oil. Or at a lil of some other vial that's like some 250. It could dilute it enough to make it not so painful. May have a high BA content to it.
Yup may go much better combined with another oil
So many factors involved in pain from inject, often the gears just fine
Infection pretty obvious and that even doesn't always = bad gear

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