Test E or C

I love Test E , but lately I’ve been going with Test C.
I don’t know, and it’s probably me, but it just gives me alittle more in the weight and strength department.
I know there’s some that say you can put in more weight with Test C, and I agree.
My .02 !!!
I've always used Test E. I'm curious to see if C makes a difference myself. Next I'm going to try a blend 200E/200C
The Blends are good. It really depends what you’re going for. Everyone’s different , but keep us up to speed here !!!
Was always a test e user, what I started with and stuck with unless using one of the blends. Not sure why but every TRT doc and urologists' I spoke to prescribe test c, which is what I am taking now.
Cyp b/c it has a longer half-life. Personally, I feel better taking Cyp 1x/week for my TRT then taking E 1xweek.
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Well, there was some new evidence (I believe here on EG) showing that Test E has actually a shorter half-life than Cyp and it wasn't just 1 day shorter. I believe it was significantly shorter which makes sense to me b/c I felt with E I needed to take the shot 2x a week to feel like I do on Cyp with a shot 1x week. I realize this is empirical data but going by how you feel sometimes tells you quite a bit.
Was a die hard sust fan now test c is what I use
Don’t care. Normally get Cyp for reason stated by jsotne. Less issues it seems, form Cyp raws. All things equal I don’t care.
E gives me a ton of sides so I use cyp idc e and c is different and reacts different in some people
the hormone is identical the ester is different

Some do react different from rates of absorption however such as fast acting I get better results than medium acting
I Like Test P for my taste, but I’ve been going with Test C for the longest so far.
I have always used P, E and Sust, may go back to C for awhile and see what happens.
@GRIM you get more hormone with short esters you don’t have so much tied up in the longer ester that’s why I like short but the pinning gets old I’d hate to know how many pins Iv used over the years
I like to make custom test blend
200mg test cyp
125mg TPP

If im not using this i usally stick with sust
Hard to beat

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