Test e vs cyp


fuck diet tren hard bitch
Jacked Immortal
Shout Master
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
so I had a buddy telling me he was running test e for awhile and he lost his sex drive on it so he ended up getting cyp and his sex drive went trough the roof and it’s from the same company and everything, what do you guys think about this? Now it’s funny cause when ever I tried to use test e I would get bad pip and my sex drive would be down a lot to for whatever reason and I remember I got so fed up I got cyp and everything changed and my sex drive was good to go! It’s weird since they are sopost to be the same but my sides are way different and from other people Iv heard talk about it to? So what you guys think?
PIP could be caused by any number of things. Could contaminated, the solvents, etc etc. Doesn't mean the PIP is cause it's test e.

Lack of sex drive, could be it was bunk.
I'd be interested to know what other supplements are/where run at the same time
I for him he was just running test e then all that started happening then switched to test cyp and he was fine, and it’s weird cause Iv done test e from a few different people and bam sex drive gone then I would switch back to cyp and bam it’s great lol I’m so perplex by this haha.
I'd be interested to know what other supplements are/where run at the same time
Test e test c test p and so on and so on at the end of the day it’s just a Ester the parent hormone is test. Test e and test c are considered interchangeable there so close to one another in terms of release time. I’m with the other guys on this one like to see bloods and what other supplements/anabolics were being used at the time. Hard to point the finger at a Ester
could easily be the raw/lab..
I know a bro that's on test e right now and his prob is not sex drive, his prob keeping an erection longer than like 5 minutes.
he said his sex drive is still normal to high, but the noodle won't stay up.

did you or any of your friends you were mentioning have any probs keeping any erection on test e?
my friend is really bummed about this.
Maybe if he switched to cyp his prob would go away too?
I know a bro that's on test e right now and his prob is not sex drive, his prob keeping an erection longer than like 5 minutes.
he said his sex drive is still normal to high, but the noodle won't stay up.

did you or any of your friends you were mentioning have any probs keeping any erection on test e?
my friend is really bummed about this.
Maybe if he switched to cyp his prob would go away too?
EG Anonymous PosterYes my dick don’t wanna stay up
Maybe it’s not really test e? About 10 years, when I first got on boards a sources test e was tested. It was 100mg deca.

Also tell him to get a blood test.
I think a lot of the people who have had an experience like most of the stories above had mislabeled, underdosed, or bunk gear...

The only difference I see is that Test E raw is more sensitive to degrading, especially in less than optimal temperatures. And it is common for degrading Test to cause increased PIP. I've seen it come in testing around 98% and then turn dark almost black after some time with temp fluctuations.
I've been on Test E for 9 weeks now. Taking 0.5cc Mon and Thurs. Love it. My T levels are in the 1600 range.

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Assuming solid gear, I’ve never heard of dick problems associated with elevated test levels, regardless of which ester.


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I hate test c. It breaks me out and my libido isnt half of what test e gives me. I know everyone responds different so i hope you get it figured out . half sorry about tge delay on the other stuff. Life got crazy. It will leave here tomorrow man
Probably from all the tren my man but I have had great gear an running test e an can't keep it down it seems like my sex drive goes up idk but I'm also running deca 300 an dbol now bulk then yren for cutting cycle an have heard alot of people say they need Viagra an Superman pills what not while running the tren cycle but blood work is definitely suggested I'm waiting on my work back now

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