Test/eq cycle for new member


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So I invited a friend to this board couple months ago. He’s not new to training or diet but using AAS is all new for him. He’s not competing just wants to add some extra muscle look feel good like we all do. I sent him to dyel for his gear explained as much as I could about different compounds I’ve used personally. Equipoise has always been a favorite of mine. I recommended test-e at 250mgs - 375mgs every 5th day and 500mgs equipoise weekly with the first 2 weeks front loading at 750mgs. Ive tried to steer him away from anything that would have a lot of estrogen conversion or a lot of side effects. I told him today he may need to donate blood once a month on eq because of high red blood cells thick blood etc…dude is dedicated he’s up at 4 am in the gym at 5 works a lot of hours as well. I told him I’d post this on his behalf and let you guys pass on your knowledge and experience and he can post any questions I can’t answer for him. Thanks peeps
Thanks for posting this for me bro. Yes I'm taking test e 250 every 5th day and 500 EQ every week. Should i step up the test to 375? I just started Sunday and am loading the EQ for the first two weeks. Should I stay at these levels throught the cycle? This is my first cycle ever and I am just wondering if I there is anything I should keep an eye on or be concerned about. Should I be having blood work done? If so how often? Should i take anything for estrogen or just wait and see if I have symptoms? I have Nolvadex and lisinpril on hand if blood pressure gets out of wack. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Shouldn't have to many problems at those lower levels. I personally prefer smaller more frequent injections, but I have been doing this for a long time. Train hard, eat good and get those gains. Keep an eye out for excessive bloat, you may then need to get blood work or use something for the excess estrogen(water retention) which in turn can drive BP up. That is a very individual thing based on the amount of aromatization that takes place.

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