Test/Tren/Eq Cycle Question


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Would like some advice on the current cycle I am running. Wanting some opinions on frequency of pinning. I've never used EQ and after doing some research a lot of people who have ran the same cycle seem to split dosage into 2 shots E3d... This seems hard to believe since there all long esters. I mean E5d seems more reasonable than E3d... What do you all think? Ew, E5d or E3d?

Test E
Tren E
I would just pin them twice a week Monday and Friday. Keep it simple don't over think it. I may catch flack for this but I dont think timing is all that important compared to dose
Interested in responses, i want to try the same cycle after my current run. Or maybe tweak it alittle. Already have doses pre planned. Would def like to see what ya think !
I like to pin on Monday and Thursday. By splitting your weekly dose it seems to keep my blood levels more stable. Also I use Saturday as "bridge pin" where I typically dose test P...works good because by the time Monday rolls around the Prop is just getting past its half life. My way...right or wrong!
Monday Thursday is what i pin on long esters. I feel like it allows me to keep that "on" feeling.
twice a week. imo adding eq to a tren/test cycle was not even noticable. eq is weak and the tren just over powers everything else. some
like the appetite of eq but for me appetite never changes on any compound? the more tren the better id say. nothing compares
I'm running EQ right now and I'm pinning MWF I'm running npp so I just do some eq with that on Wednesday. I've read all different things on pinning and frequency but for me even on long esters I like to break it up seems to keep my levels more steady.
Thanks fellows. I felt like that E3d was the way to go, but started thinking the levels in my body would be through the roof towards the end of the cycle. Especially since EQ is such a long ester.

tkasch30. What you said is spot on. The whole reason I added the EQ was for the appetite part. I'm not really expecting a whole lot other than that.
keyk240 said:
Monday Thursday is what i pin on long esters. I feel like it allows me to keep that "on" feeling.
This is my prefered pin method with any long esters, but find that even going M/W/F works a little better to keep things stable in my blood.
Kaemen said:
Thanks fellows. I felt like that E3d was the way to go, but started thinking the levels in my body would be through the roof towards the end of the cycle. Especially since EQ is such a long ester.

tkasch30. What you said is spot on. The whole reason I added the EQ was for the appetite part. I'm not really expecting a whole lot other than that.
Not if you adjust your dose hell, you can pin it ed if you want the half life is the half life...if you want to keep thing stable pin 2x a week just adjust the mg to what your total weekly dosage should be. If you run EQ foir at least 20 wks you will see some amazing results at the end of teh cycle despite the use of tren. For me personally I get that panic feeling when I run tren with EQ, but can run them separate with no issues at all.
Wacker you got it right... I didn't think about my dosages being cut in half... I was just thinking bout the totals... Duh!!! :-X Good looking. You put me right back in check.
Monday and Thursday seems to generally work the best. That's what I would go with.
TSizemore said:
Monday and Thursday seems to generally work the best. That's what I would go with.
TSizemorebump on this 4 longs.
how I do it
Yea what these guys said. The EQ is a good compound if ran long enough. Some people tend to loose some of their appetite when running tren so adding EQ will definitely keep your appetite going good. I myself love EQ makes me all veiney and shit just keep an eye on bp as EQ will raise your rbc causing your blood the thicken. Good luck and give it hell!!!
Monday and Thursday works best for me. EQ and Tren are great together for shedding bf%.
What dose are you running? No need to crazy high on tren because your running multiple compounds.
Is your goal fat loss?
slimpickings said:
Yea what these guys said. The EQ is a good compound if ran long enough. Some people tend to loose some of their appetite when running tren so adding EQ will definitely keep your appetite going good. I myself love EQ makes me all veiney and shit just keep an eye on bp as EQ will raise your rbc causing your blood the thicken. Good luck and give it hell!!!
This^^^ and good to keep in mind that tren raises also so the two combined needs to be monitored.
E5d, let's pay attention to esters here, if you truly want to keep blood levels stable. Enanthate ester half is 10.5 days, so e5d.EQ is 14 days, you can still go e5d but adjust mg's accordingly. You have to figure out how many mg's /week you want and split by pin. It's harder than it sounds, but there is no better way.
jshredz said:
Monday and Thursday works best for me. EQ and Tren are great together for shedding bf%.
What dose are you running? No need to crazy high on tren because your running multiple compounds.
Is your goal fat loss?
jshredz... I'm running the EQ @600mg/wk. After seeing what everybody has to say about it, I'm splitting that into 300mg 2x wk. I love tren. It seems to always be in the mix when I'm on a cycle. My goal isn't really fat loss as much as appetite increase. Tren definitely kills my appetite. So thats what made me decide to try EQ. I always see people say it helps w/ appetite. So I figured... Why not... See what happens.

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