test u... dosing suggestions


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
i read every 3-4 weeks 750mg for 2 months then every 10 weeks after that...

anyone have experience with it and what would be the optimum dosing protocol for trt... i current run 125mg a week of test d
it might be nice to not pin for a while, i remember years ago i tried the implant pellets, the process hurt like a bitch and left scars but id go all summer with no issues..
its got an insane half life like 53 days but im not sure you will feel good the whole time, never felt the fluctuations
if they say do 4 mls ever 10 to 14 weeks id stay on the low side and do 10 week injections
wow... really 10 weeks... that would be awesome to cruise like that.

hard for me to wrap my head around that... that it's even possible and would keep your levels in range
Wow I got some I think to try
Test u is great for injecting right before going on Vacation and not wanting to bring gear with you.
I still would do at least weekly or bi weekly injections. Every Ester I've ever tried had an initial high release in my blood so i don't think injections spread out this long would give very leveled concentration.
Ok where's Hanzo when you need him??
i've been doing test d once a week for trt... 125mg a week... it has been

i was thinking test u would at least be similar and maybe could do 250mg every 2 weeks?

at worse just stick to 125mg a week of either test d or test u
Weekly, or at most, every two weeks for test U. The manufacturer's suggestions on Nebido are similar to the horrible idea that test cyp should be injected every two weeks. Nebido uses a loading phase and a maintenance phase. It took them six+ months to get stable blood levels because they were trying to minimize injections and go way too long inbetween. Just like everything else, I've seen a trend in a large spike in hormone concentration a day or two after a shot...so I'd really suggest once a week. And on your first shot, you might consider doubling up.

Part of the reason nebido works the way it does is because it's thick-- the thickness and size of the oil depot will have a big effect on how long it sits there in the muscle tissue and is slowly absorbed. My oils are thin, painless, and easily absorbed for the purpose of cycling. Since you're not doing a loading phase I assume, there won't be a massive 4mL depot that sits there. Another thing to consider is that since we all exercise regularly, oil depots should be absorbed much faster than the test subjects on those trials.

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