Tested my 14 years old's squat


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
A few days ago I posted a question about supplementing my 14 year old's diet for maximum height growth.
As I said, he's really good at basketball and I want to maximize his height thru natural means.

I've decided, thanks to your input, to wait on the protein powder and creatine, but I'm still considering adding glutamine to boost natty hgh. I'm still researching this and if anyone else has any input on glutamine for him that would be great.

Anyway, I've not let him do squats until just this week, because I didn't want the weight on his spine.
I wasn't quite sure of the right age to start letting him squat.
But his friends(his age) play football and squat, of course as part of their program, so I decided to let him squat.

I was quite pleased and suprised!
He's been weight training/body weight training for about a year now, and is quite strong, imo.
He regularly does body weight squats 100reps at a time

What do you think?
He's 14 years old, 5'10'', 170lb.
1st squat/1week ago warm-up, 2x3reps w/160lb
2nd squat/yesterday warm-up, 5reps w/140, 2reps w/160, 1rep w/190lb

I thought 190lb for 2nd time ever squatting was good!!!
And it wasn't with much difficulty. I think once he has a good understanding of the form and his stabilizer muscles catch up that he'll be adding quite a few pounds to it.
But I don't have much to base my opinion on. I haven't trained a teenager before.
And of course I'm biased!!!

Anyway what do you bro.s think
good, bad, ok?
Hey bro I see nothing wrong with him squatting at his age. I used to play ball in juco and had several tryouts to play semi pro years ago before I tore my acl. I squatted alot back then and all it did was improve my jumping ability. I wore strength shoes some too.

If you ever watched any interviews with Clyde Drexler he talks about just squatting and hack squatting and wearing ankle weights to bed. And if you remember him in college as part of "Phi Slamma Jamma" he had better hops than Jordan did in college but not in pros. And im a huge Jordan fan.
All types of weight training is great for kids once they start going through puberty. My high school wouldn't let us even go into the weight room til we got out of 6th grade. We were a huge football school in Nebraska putting out massive guys and many set powerlifting records which are still held to this day by that school.

Man he is 14 at 170, football sounds like it should be his sport. I honestly don't think you need to supplement anything with your boy, if you feed him right he will grow like a weed, again he has so much HGH flowing through him naturally now there isn't much need to try and boost it. Besides glut amine is in food naturally. I've honestly never seen any use in supplements ever, unless you are In a hurry and can't eat a meal and need your nutrients. Food is so much better.

Remember kids grow and heal faster than adults do, they for sure can do much more than we can. Def. let him lift anything like crazy, when I was his age I lifted 2 hours in the morning then ran a mile, went swimming all day and would lift 2 hours at night and still be able to party at night. So he will be fine. Just stress correct lifting, use of weight belts when needed, etc... And make sure he eat after a hard workout, most kids do naturally anyways though.

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