The Anabolic Threshold....fact or fantasy?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I was watching Jerry Ward on YouTube (Bios3 training) and he brought up this subject and it got me thinking. Steady test levels versus peaks and valleys.
In my experience I found less frequent injections with higher amounts gave me better gains but some swear by keeping your test level even by doing smaller more frequent injections.
In theory it's kind of like doing a blast every week I guess.

What category do you guys fall into as I would be curios to know as well as your thoughts on this.
keeping stable here...
I dont buy into mass amounts
I've always liked more frequent injections , not to say that it was always that way. I started off doin less frequent injections w more amounts. More frequent injects make me feel better !!!
I'm actually up in the air on this because I've always thought morw stable levels would provide better results bit I have a close friend that works on a boat and can't dose as frequently as I would and his gains were substantially more than mine. He would only be home for 1week and would load up on 3-5000mgs while home then be gone for like 3wks and every time he came back in he would have put on quite a bit more than me running a more stable dose. So I think this is still something to look into.
It's fact! I'm doing it right now & is working great. It's not upping the dose or amounts at all, it's simply the same dose/amount u wud normally pin, just in one shot. Makes pinning long esters easier for me with my shedule. Short esters pin alot quicker/take less time, so tne/dbol pre-work out to the delt and boom, your ready!
back4more said:
I'm actually up in the air on this because I've always thought morw stable levels would provide better results bit I have a close friend that works on a boat and can't dose as frequently as I would and his gains were substantially more than mine. He would only be home for 1week and would load up on 3-5000mgs while home then be gone for like 3wks and every time he came back in he would have put on quite a bit more than me running a more stable dose. So I think this is still something to look into.
back4more :-\ :-\ :-\
I believe in the smaller more consistant dosing. I believe keeping blood levels stable are very important.
I say fuck it slam a punch of oil. wait a while do a little skip a few them slam a bunch of oil. KEEP THE BODY GUESSING LIKE MUSCLE CONFUSION HAHAHAHAHAHA
I say fuck it slam a punch of oil. wait a while do a little skip a few them slam a bunch of oil. KEEP THE BODY GUESSING LIKE MUSCLE CONFUSION HAHAHAHAHAHA
I tend to agree with this, the body gets used to consistency. You should mix things up, timing as well as compounds.
well I cant say forsure since I have never done it but!!!!!!!!!!! I think I may try it. Who knows it may very well work better than keep levels balanced.. Although what concerns me is the side effects from it.. I would thinkn they would be much more pronounced and maybe harder to combat.
Hmm. I was thinking about giving this a try in my next cycle
flyingfox said:
I tend to agree with this, the body gets used to consistency. You should mix things up, timing as well as compounds.
I am not a believer in muscle confusion. I do think however the mind gets used to repetitive things.

although I do def see the logic in his statements. Only one way to find out I guess haha
I'm a pin junkie so I pin 5 days a week with 3 of those having 2 pins at a time. Per-workout baby!
i dont think that makes a difference. the whole even blood levels vs a real high peak level. ive never noticed anything?

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