The Average American Woman Now Weighs As Much As 1960s Man


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The Average American Woman Now Weighs As Much As 1960s Man
by Anthony Gucciardi
Posted on June 16, 2015

And how our food supply is in need of repair.

Here’s a disturbing reality: the average woman in America now weighs as much as the average American male weighed in 1960. What’s more, the average weight of a male is ballooning as well. But don’t worry, mega food corporations like Monsanto and soda lobbying groups say we’re doing just fine.

There’s no way there could be a connection between the degradation of the food supply and America’s massive increase in obesity rates, right?

Here’s the latest stats from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): the average American woman now weighs 166.2 pounds, which equates to the weight of an American man back in the 1960s. Now that said, let’s not forget how much weight men have gained over the years as well. Also included in the CDC report is the reality that American men have ‘greatly expanded’ their waistlines, with a 30 pound increase spanning from the 1960s to 2010. (

That’s a difference in an average weight of 166.3 pounds in 1960 to more than 195 pounds today. That’s a 17.6% increase in weight gain (and an 18.5% increase for women).

We’re hitting new records for obesity levels across the board, and we continually see new data like this confirming it. As CBS News reports: (

“The CDC data shows that more than one-third (35.1 percent) of U.S. adults over the age of 20 are considered obese. And 69 percent of American adults over the age of 20 are either overweight or obese. More than 1-in-5 U.S. children between the ages of 12-19 are considered obese, with 17.7 percent of kids ages 6-11 also weighing in at obesity levels.”

But let’s ask the most important question here: where is the mention of ‘why’ this obesity epidemic is exploding? Reading the report by CBS and other large news outlets who are covering the new CDC data, I was quite shocked to see that there was zero mention of known culprits like processed foods or excessive pesticide use.

Because let’s be clear, we’ve seen time and time again how even just living closer to a McDonald’s will statistically increase your chance of becoming obese and developing diabetes. Again, that’s just living close to a McDonald’s. (

The truth is, this is why companies like Monsanto and McDonald’s are losing money. (

Consumers have decided to become passionate about their food and care about their bodies in ways they never realized were necessary until they found out about the true extent to which our food supply has been overtaken by corporations that simply have no problem with placing disease-linked additives into our dinner. That’s why Monsanto continues to sell its cancer-linked herbicide Roundup, even after the World Health Organization warned that it was in fact endangering millions.(

The good news? We’re taking our food supply back and kicking these companies out. There’s something very wrong when both men and women are increasing in weight by nearly 20%.

wake up america, the foods you eat are not natural and are killing you. free enterprise allows for us to make choices but no one reads labels, companies create unnaturally calorie rich and fat dense foods, you cant fill up on one or two so you eat 10, its making women look like buffalo and men look like pigs. read, take health seriously , all these disesses are preventable with smart choices and will power. restore the immune system, quit killing it with sugars
misterB said:
wake up america, the foods you eat are not natural and are killing you. free enterprise allows for us to make choices but no one reads labels, companies create unnaturally calorie rich and fat dense foods, you cant fill up on one or two so you eat 10, its making women look like buffalo and men look like pigs. read, take health seriously , all these disesses are preventable with smart choices and will power. restore the immune system, quit killing it with sugars

Absolutely right my brother.Very well said.Amazing isnt it? Something as simple as making the "CORRECT CHOICES.:
The average woman weighs just under 170. Fuck! Not only is it the food we eat but also the portions. Americans abroad are always blown away by the small portions of servings they recieve when visiting a foreign country. Guess what...those arent small portions...their normal portions and we as Americans are used to portions that might double or triple that when eating. We have set our selves up to fail.

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