The dilemma of the excuse


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Everyone has them. Excuses that is. What is the old saying? Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one. Sadly, this is very true, you hear more excuses in the health and fitness circle more than any other place. Why? Because people can be just plain lazy or have we gotten to the point where we want everything at our finger tips. For some, the technology age has made us lazy, but that does not allow for excuses when it comes to fitness.
Humans emphasize self-pity more than animals. Animals deal in the now and at that moment. We as humans who are supposed to have rational thinking do not. We will find a way to make things easy on ourselves rather than live in the moment, or go things head on. We tend to hang onto failure and don?t look forward enough to see what is and where we could be.
Daily exercise is one of the keys of life to being happy. You don?t have to love it or even like it but once you get to doing it, it is like a snowball effect in that it will take ahold of you and reap you great benefits, not only physical ones, but mental ones as well. Our bodies were meant to be mobile doing something. Our ancestors were foragers and hunter gatherers. Constantly on the move to survive. Today we are way too sedentary. We sit in front of a computer or television all day and don?t get enough exercise. This is where the problem starts.
The Human body is an incredible machine when it comes to conserving energy. When we become sedentary our body will start conserving energy. It starts slowing your metabolism down because it notices that there is no need to burn energy because we are not doing anything. This is the dilemma of what we have become and what starts this vicious cycle of the "excuse". We get so comfortable that we don?t want to do anything, until it is too late. It is not actually to late, we have options. For one: Quit using excuses for everything.
The number one excuse you always hear is I don?t have enough time. BS. You have time to do anything in the day you want. You just don?t make the time. There are tons of excuses out there. You just have to not listen to that little devil on your shoulder, and tell it to leave you alone. Because honestly that is what it is. A little devil. Listen to your conscience it will not let you down. It will lead you in the right direction. Physically and spiritually. Stress can cause this too, so get things right in your life and the excuses will have no place to muddle your mind when it comes time to get done with what you need to get done. Stress either from family problems, work problems, relationship with friends, all configure in this dilemma. That along with just plain old laziness. If you work hard and get things right you can cut through all of this like a hot knife through warm butter. Just tell yourself what you want for yourself, do you want to feel good about yourself, or do you want to continue to make excuses. The choice is yours!

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