The Journey to cycle 2


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
well hello EG fam, I'm on the drawing boards for what i want to do for my next cycle. My first cycle was test cyp 250 at 500mg for 16wks and var. I had solid results and was very very happy, i am new here so to fill you in when i was a little younger i experimented with some strong Pro Hormones(very stupid) and slightly got some gyno in my left nip but learned to deal with it as it doesn't really bother me other than how it looks sometimes, so yes i am gyno prone.

-Im 27 yrs old
-193 lbs, dont know exact bf%
-ive been active in sports my whole life and now i have been going to the gym consistently for 4 years at least 5 days a week.
-ultimate goal, lean muscle mass with a smidge of wtf you looking at! lol

Now with that being said,

my second cycle! i was thinking doing cyp and primo, or cyp and mast. Looking for some good advice as i know its out there !

i hope i provided enough information, if i did not please ask and i will answer accordingly.

If you have a bit of gyno to begin with, running 10mgs of nolva a day is a good idea. If it flares you can adjust accordingly. Yeah brother, if you had great results with dosage your first cycle I think going with the same dose is a good idea. I also love mast as it has many benifits to any cycle. I would skip the primo (just not my thing). Only thing I may add is a little oral kicker in there. If your looking for good lean muscle, I think Tbol is a great choice. Now you stated you have previous gyno so beware of any suggestions of Dbol or Adrol. I'm not saying don't use them but they are very good at raising estrogen.

Perhaps something like this,

Tbol 50-75mg daily for weeks 1-6
500 Test cyp weeks 1-12
500 mast weeks 1-12 ( that is not a low dose of mast despite what some may say)

Of course your AI's and nolva
I second what LT says. That second cycle he laid out looks perfect for you. As far as AI I would say go for aromasin and instead of using nolva I would use toremifene
What was your first cycle? Id say test 700mg , tren a 400mg. 27 is pretty much your prime, might as well go for the best. My 2nd cycle was tren a & test
My pick is Test Cyp and EQ (maybe add some tbol). Quality lean muscle.
LittleTom said:
If you have a bit of gyno to begin with, running 10mgs of nolva a day is a good idea. If it flares you can adjust accordingly. Yeah brother, if you had great results with dosage your first cycle I think going with the same dose is a good idea. I also love mast as it has many benifits to any cycle. I would skip the primo (just not my thing). Only thing I may add is a little oral kicker in there. If your looking for good lean muscle, I think Tbol is a great choice. Now you stated you have previous gyno so beware of any suggestions of Dbol or Adrol. I'm not saying don't use them but they are very good at raising estrogen.

Perhaps something like this,

Tbol 50-75mg daily for weeks 1-6
500 Test cyp weeks 1-12
500 mast weeks 1-12 ( that is not a low dose of mast despite what some may say)

Of course your AI's and nolva

This does actually sound pretty solid to me But would it be an issue to do mast enethate as I'm avoiding pinning eod. Other than that what are your experiences on mast like and will tbol be toxic on the liver?

ironhead said:
This does actually sound pretty solid to me But would it be an issue to do mast enethate as I'm avoiding pinning eod. Other than that what are your experiences on mast like and will tbol be toxic on the liver?


Mast E is fine. Mast is not a compound that you are going to say "holy shit! I'm on mast." It's a compound that works hard behind the scenes freeing up test by lowering SHGB in conjunction with putting on lean mass. It's a great steroid to run in any cycle.

Tbol is very liver friendly compared to many other orals. Of course you are going to want to run some type of cycle support (IMO) you should reguardless if you run an oral or not. It's a compound you can run for a good amount of time. 8-10 weeks is not unheard of
LittleTom said:
Mast E is fine. Mast is not a compound that you are going to say "holy shit! I'm on mast." It's a compound that works hard behind the scenes freeing up test by lowering SHGB in conjunction with putting on lean mass. It's a great steroid to run in any cycle.

Tbol is very liver friendly compared to many other orals. Of course you are going to want to run some type of cycle support (IMO) you should reguardless if you run an oral or not. It's a compound you can run for a good amount of time. 8-10 weeks is not unheard of
this was a huge help! now all i need to do is decide what lab to use ! haha
ironhead said:
this was a huge help! now all i need to do is decide what lab to use ! haha
I'll let the cat out of the bag a bit early and will post this tomorrow but I heard Pristyn is starting a sale tomorrow.

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