The perpetual cycle??


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Found this interesting what do you guys think????

The basic format of the perpetual cycle is explained below, which is followed by an example of how one might choose to implement these compounds into their own personal cycle. Financial resources, as well as personal preference, will determine an individual’s ideal cycle set-up.
•Phase #1: Phase one involves the administration of AAS in whatever manner deemed most suitable to the user. There is no need to give an example cycle in this instance, as most of us are adequately familiar with AAS cycle set-up and how to use these drugs in accordance with our goals.
•Phase #2: Phase #2 involves the concomitant administration of both PCT drugs and non-steroidal anabolics designed to maintain/increase muscle mass in the absence of AAS. During this phase, the individual will undergo a comprehensive recovery of all bodily systems which were adversely affected by AAS, such as the HPTA, liver, kidneys, prostate, reproductive system, and cardiovascular system (blood pressure & lipid profile).

How long an individual remains within Phase #2 is dependent on the length of time it takes
the aforementioned systems to recover. Once a sufficient recovery has been made, the user
can resume Phase #1 at their leisure, if desired.


Weeks 1-16 (phase #1)
AAS….along with anything else the user deems appropriate.

Weeks 17-22
Clomid @ 50-100 mg daily and/or Nolvadex @ 20-40 mg daily.
Aromasin @ 10-20 mg daily.
Ostarine @ 25 mg daily.
IGF-1 LR3 @ 50-100 mcg 5X/week.
PEG MFG @ 200 mcg 2X/week (Use MGF on different days from IGF-1 LE3).
Follistatin @ 50-100 mcg/day (it is unlikely Folli would be run the entire length of Phase #2, due to cost).
GH @ 5-10 IU/day.
Insulin @ 10-30 IU/day.

Weeks 23-?
Repeat Phase #1.

In conclusion, what we have here is simply a different method of staying “ON”, which permits an individual who has discontinued AAS to prevent/minimize gains loss…or possibly continue making gains (depending in his level of development), while restoring the HPTA and other bodily systems at the same time.

THIS IS A CUT AND PASTE...for discussion purposes...
That is very, very interesting. I think I could do without the Ostarine though.
This looks just cycle PCT to me with the addition of peptides in the pCT. am i missing something? Wish i could find Folli that was real and not 5k per vial
RockShawn said:
This looks just cycle PCT to me with the addition of peptides in the pCT. am i missing something? Wish i could find Folli that was real and not 5k per vial
You go straight back to cycle after PCT.
Hanzo said:
You go straight back to cycle after PCT.
Right never really off just a hormone break and right back into a blast...according to the acticle, "this outcome is unique in the sense that neither those individuals who adhere to traditional “cruising” guidelines, nor those who engage in traditional PCT, are able to realize both muscle growth/maintenance and recovery simultaneously, all year long."

Not sure I would do it but it sounded interesting...
PCT is only 6 weeks long, I did a 6 week PCT between my last 2 cycles and never lost any gains and I only ran torem. I don't understand why you would only run GH for 6 weeks either, can someone explain that?
I have read that some pros, do something like this, but just once a year to let the hormones clear there system then it's back to business. I saw a Rich Piana where he says he comes off briefly once per year, lots of HCG and clomid and then back on. He seems to think this is necessary.
I'm glad I'm a TRT guy now...PCT is a drag.

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