The Super Chest Workout


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The Super Chest Workout

This is a great Chest workout that I found a while ago and have used with great success.The weights listed here were changed from the original to fit me better at the time and you can also adjust to better fit your strength level.......

It’s chest day. You and your training partner want to change things up a little bit from your normal chest workout. You know, the normal bench press, move on to several sets at incline, then maybe some dumbbell flyes, and finish them off with cable crossovers supersetted with push-ups for that deep burn.

During my college years we were shown this chest workout as a challenge. This workout soon caught on like wildfire in the gym. If you are looking to really shock your chest, here’s a chest workout that will get you on your knees, literally:

Super Chest Workout If You Can Bench Press 275 10 Times

Bench Press 300 lbs to failure
25 Push Ups

3:00 minutes recovery

Bench Press 300 lbs to failure
25 Push Ups

3:00 minutes recovery

Bench Press 275 lbs to failure
25 Push Ups

2:00 minutes recovery

Bench Press 275 lbs to failure
25 Push Ups

No rest

Bench Press 215 lbs to failure
25 Push Ups

2:00 minutes recovery

Bench Press 195 lbs to failure
25 Push Ups

*These are just examples for weights, adjust weights according to strength levels.

NOTE: Make sure you do this with a partner to spot you. This is not for beginners, do this workout at your own risk. During the push-ups, get through them as fast as possible.

If you have to, swallow your pride and start doing push-ups on your knees. Told you this chest workout will get you on your knees. Brace yourself for some DOMS.
No offense FIST, but this just isn't a solid workout. And its certainly not super. I do 5 + sets of bench every chest day...but focus on Incline as flat bench is really useless when developing the chest. And I think pushups should be performed slow and controlled for proper form so as to not injure the shoulder.

Bro...could you maybe post up some of your own shit. The copy paste seems very generic and inapplicable to me.
MattyIce said:
No offense FIST, but this just isn't a solid workout. And its certainly not super. I do 5 + sets of bench every chest day...but focus on Incline as flat bench is really useless when developing the chest. And I think pushups should be performed slow and controlled for proper form so as to not injure the shoulder.

Bro...could you maybe post up some of your own shit. The copy paste seems very generic and inapplicable to me.

Try it for a while and then post with your experience with it.To say a statement that its useless without trying it is pointless.Also,to make that statement at all is really without merit.No one individual reacts the same to every type of training stimuli so what works or doesnt for you,has no relevance on what will or will not work for another.Its always about trial and error.Seeing whats best for "YOU".

As for posting my own stuff,me utilizing this work out as many times as I have makes it my own.I can speak from personal experience on it.You're not suggesting you or anyone else is designing their own,new type of work outs and exercises are you? We all just incorporate pre-exisiting work outs and exercises into our own work routines.This is just one of many routines to add to ones routines.

It doesnt matter who wrote an article.It only matters whether or not it works for you AFTER trying it for a long enough time to see if it works or not.If it doesnt work for you,that has no relevance on the efficacy of the workout for others.
FIST... I've been doing bench press for +30 years. I don't need to follow this workout to see it is flawed and useless for chest development... anyone here can see that. I don't think this qualifies as a chest routine... its 5 sets of bench to failure. Try for a long enough time to see if it works?? What do you hope to accomplish developing your chest with this? I see no clear objective possibly gained... I digress.

Im really not trying to insult you bro...instead I encourage you to post your own routines. I post up my routines... albeit a bit over the top, but that's how I like it.: ))
MattyIce said:
FIST... I've been doing bench press for +30 years. I don't need to follow this workout to see it is flawed and useless for chest development... anyone here can see that. I don't think this qualifies as a chest routine... its 5 sets of bench to failure. Try for a long enough time to see if it works?? What do you hope to accomplish developing your chest with this? I see no clear objective possibly gained... I digress.

Im really not trying to insult you bro...instead I encourage you to post your own routines. I post up my routines... albeit a bit over the top, but that's how I like it.: ))

Its absolutely not 5 sets to failure.Much more.

Once again,to make a blanket statement that its useless to all has no merit.What you're suggesting is the only good workouts for everyone are the ones YOU do?

You're not insulting me at all.I cant be insulted.This is one of my routines that ive used.Being almost 60,ive been benching for quite some time as well my friend and have tried more styles of training than you can think of.Its seems the difference between you and I is,I never disregard any style of training and encourage everyone to try any routine they can throughout the yrs.
alright dude... I been trying to be cool with you, but as everyone who has pm-ed to me about you on 2 forums... you're a spammer...and I'll hold back the plethora of adjectives.

You cut and paste routines are dogshit useless to anyone on this board.

I hope Grim and Co 86 your bullshitting ass.
i actually do similiar with the pushups and it works...
GRIM said:
i actually do similiar with the pushups and it works...

Thank you for the feedback sir.Glad to hear its worked well for you as they have so many others.

I too have had great success with adding push ups between working sets for chest.

Ive always loved push ups for chest development anyway.Well except when I had to do them ALL DAMN DAY AS PUNISHMENT in the Marine Corps.LMAO

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