There goes my bulk


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Get to be tested for fng covid tomorrow.
Never felt this way in y life

To stay on norm juice decrease or is the question
If you’re positive I’d probably drop down. You’ll have quarantine till your negative. Let’s say it’s it takes 2 weeks, you can pick up where you left off.

But if your sicker longer your wasting it.
If test + the I would def decrease doses....then once you get to a normal life, because thats what this stupid thing does, bump 'em back up.
If test + the I would def decrease doses....then once you get to a normal life, because thats what this stupid thing does, bump 'em back up.

I would wait until the results come back. Then make adjustments or back down until you are in the clear and feeling better. I know some guys that had it...... said covid was no joke.
Infections in my area SKYROCKETING plus a guy at gym or some shit tested positive plus another guy went mia around same time havent seen for a week or more
Yikes! Get well soon, Grim.
Yea G , just chill out if it comes back positive and then start where you left off.
If at most it’ll be a few weeks !!! Take care of yourself !!!
Yea G that sounds like the best option, keep dosage the same and if you have it then drop the dose and up it when you are well.
Damn Grim that sure sucks, but better to play it safe and not spread it any more.

Fingers crossed it comes back negative and you just merely might have just been under the weather. I had a scare recently myself when my mother got exposed at a crowded supermarket. She (and I as well she visited me that day) got tested and all's well in the end.
true but ive never ever ever had this kind of weakness or aches in my life.
whatever it is i just want it gone.
damn tests so inaccurate though could have it and be told i dont
or not have it and be told i do
I hope all is good G, I know someone that has had it and didn't feel much only reason they knew is because they were tested and it showed they had it but they were over it by the time they tested positive for antibodies.

They felt a little bad but not like you are feeling and everyone will react different since you have your issues and I have mine such as asthma I am sure I would feel like shit also. Sorry just babbling ,LOL.
lmfao on babbling.
Yes whatever is hitting me tbh isnt that bad its the weakness I mean fuk even my gimpy self can row 225 for reps
Just 65 pounds 1 set and not only was it tough WTF my muscles hurt INSTANTLY
Ive just never had this kinda weakness and achiness its tough to explain
2 or 3 light cable sets another day same shit muscles instantly sore and were for days
Joints as well just raw
Maybe some real down time and rest brother, I know you stay busy just thinking of your health.
Yes Grim is running his poor self ragged and maybe some downtime is needed. When I had gotten a nasty lung bug I had to take it easy for a while after I landed in the ER for it...
got the test we shall see, nowhere near as bad as people cry about btw. tickles more than anything
...and now we wait...fingers crossed for you Bossman. I had that nasal test too, and the nurse pretty much mined my sinuses lol.
Time to trim those nose hairs....LOL, I know how you feel, eyes watering, like shit get that out of my nose...... Just sneeze on them that is revenge....🙂

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