Thigh injections - 2 questions


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The last few weeks I switched to pinning in my thighs/quads instead of glutes, I prefer it much better. I still pin other locations but once per week the thighs get a shot. For the most part, I have been injecting in the top outer muscle, middle section of the leg. Please note, I am referring to the top, not the side of my leg. The big beefy muscle that pretty much runs the whole length of the thigh when flexed, on the outer part of leg not the inner..

1. Today I decided to switch it up and pin on the outer/side of leg, mid section. The area where skin is much thinner and leg/muscle is much smoother and flat. Is this area still a good area for absorption of oil and a suggested area to pin? I am trying my best to describe the exact location, so I hope my description helps you visualize where I am talking about. The top part i referred to before, the needle was just that, I jetted on the top of my quad. Now today, if you straighten the leg all the way out, my injection went directly in the outside of my thigh. Imagine segmenting your entire thigh into 4 sections, top, bottom, inside, and outside. Thin skin, less prominent muscle, outside was today.

2. Regarding aspiration - when you aspirated and pull a little bit of air into the syringe, it is then ok to inject that air back into the muscle along with the oil, correct? Usually when I aspirated ill do it long/hard enough to just get 1 or 2 tiny tiny air bubbles to see i am not sitting in a vein. Today when I aspirated, it certainly pulled in much more air than usual. I almost pulled out to reinject but I proceeded. It was a little odd, quite a large air bubble and at the end of the injection you could certainly hear the air being pushed by the plunger. I know it's bad to have air bubbles in the syringe prior to injection, but what if the air came from aspirating in the muscle?
The last few weeks I switched to pinning in my thighs/quads instead of glutes, I prefer it much better. I still pin other locations but once per week the thighs get a shot. For the most part, I have been injecting in the top outer muscle, middle section of the leg. Please note, I am referring to the top, not the side of my leg. The big beefy muscle that pretty much runs the whole length of the thigh when flexed, on the outer part of leg not the inner..

1. Today I decided to switch it up and pin on the outer/side of leg, mid section. The area where skin is much thinner and leg/muscle is much smoother and flat. Is this area still a good area for absorption of oil and a suggested area to pin? I am trying my best to describe the exact location, so I hope my description helps you visualize where I am talking about. The top part i referred to before, the needle was just that, I jetted on the top of my quad. Now today, if you straighten the leg all the way out, my injection went directly in the outside of my thigh. Imagine segmenting your entire thigh into 4 sections, top, bottom, inside, and outside. Thin skin, less prominent muscle, outside was today.

2. Regarding aspiration - when you aspirated and pull a little bit of air into the syringe, it is then ok to inject that air back into the muscle along with the oil, correct? Usually when I aspirated ill do it long/hard enough to just get 1 or 2 tiny tiny air bubbles to see i am not sitting in a vein. Today when I aspirated, it certainly pulled in much more air than usual. I almost pulled out to reinject but I proceeded. It was a little odd, quite a large air bubble and at the end of the injection you could certainly hear the air being pushed by the plunger. I know it's bad to have air bubbles in the syringe prior to injection, but what if the air came from aspirating in the muscle?
puff88Nothing to worry about brotha. No injection is the same. You will find times where you'll find it may be harder to aspirate other times it may be very simple with little pressure applied. Sometimes you will little to no air bubbles in the syringe and sometimes there could be a large one. The major reason of aspiration is to make sure that your no injecting into a vein. Sometimes you may even aspirate passing through a vein and think all is good until you begin to inject. Backflow into the vein could happen....simply pull your needle out and reinject at a different location.
Cool, thanks appreciate that. I guess I always just worry that I am not injecting in the right spot and therefore not going to get the most out of my shot.
i never aspirate any more. I always go the outer third of the thigh and make sure i'm going into muscle.
Always aspirate for safety, just a good rule to always go by especially with tren ace lol 🙂. Sometimes injection is slow if you are not completely relaxed, relax and it will flow easier or if you are in scar tissue, not much you can do accept go slow or change spots but hell just inject and massage.

I have better results in quads if I inject at around a 45 degree angle right about or above where your finger tips rest when arms hang beside you unless you have abnormally long arms lol. Some people go in straight from an outside 90 degree angle but I find that I will hit more nerves that way, just my experience with quads over the years.

Aspiration is just to make sure I don't inject into a vein nothing to do with air and like GoPro said it takes a lot of air to cause harm or death but freak accidents do happen.
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I love pinning the outer quad. I always pin slightly back from the center of the outer quad. I can do a 3cc pin with no discomfort.
As for aspirating?? I always have a decent size air bubble in the barrel prior to injecting. This makes sure that you get all the oil out of the barrel and pin. Dont be scared of having air in the barrel prior to injection. Thats a crazy myth. You would have to have like 10ccs or more of straight air injected directly into a major artery to cause an air embolism. The only thing that injecting a large amount of air directly into a muscle(not a vessel) would do, would possibly cause an air bubble beneath the skin. It would feel like popcorn or a pork rind being crushed when you ran your fingers over it. I was EMT Certified and was Combat Life Saver Certified in the military, so I'm not a layman when it comes to injection techniques.
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