Think i finally pick my next cycle.


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
THis is what i have laid out.
1-4 Dbol 50mgs
1-14 Deca 400mgs
!-14 Test E 600mgs

I was also suggested to up my Test E to 700-750mgs Bc high test is Great for bulking?
and up my Deca to 450mgs. What do you guys think?
Whatever you decide to do, make sure your deca/test ratio is 2:1. Honestly i have gone from 700mg test to 1000mg test, didnt really see much difference myself. Just depends on how you react to it.. What doses have you used in the past?
I'm gunna run some joker prop soon. Maybe blast some tonight BOOM
Joker said:
You can run the ratio like that. I would suggest keeping some prop handy. You notice a limp stick.. few pops of the prop should correct it.
Might want to have some caber handy. Not a must but if you do get some prolact. Sides that will correct it.
Also ...have some liver support handy.

Very simple but effective cycle.
Ran right with the right amount of calories , you should see some good results.
Good luck hommie slice

Oh I forgot. .. I would run the test 2 weeks longer then the deca and consider a prop taper.
Just a suggestion
Okay great. Yeah i have Caber on hand. I will also be takeingadex .5mgs E3d. Im not going to take the caber until i need it. I have never had any prolactin problems. I will be taking Liv 52 for my liver. Im going to be taking in 4500 Cals. I wasnt going to run the Test two weeks longer bc i cruise. planning on just going down to 200mgs til my next cycle. I will have some Prop on hand. Your Prop btw. Made a trade with a brother on here for gear. Got A tren A of yours and A Rip Blend guessing it was a custom order. and some Test Prop. And the rest of the Trade is from other sponsors .
Nice cycle man. I started out at 1000mg test e and 500 deca myself. And the Dbol of course. Ended up bumping test down to 750mg and deca to 400mg. That was the sweet spot for me. Enjoy brother

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