Thinking about a career change


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Shout Master
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I guess since turning 40 my way of thinking has changed. My current job is in the mechanical end of construction. I've been a project manager for the last 10 years and same company for 18 yrs. The pay is good and affords me and my family to live comfortably, but I have zero passion for what I do. Also there isn't room left for me to advance. My real interest is in nutrition and helping people (not that I'm an expert, by far). I've been talking it over with my wife about going back to school and getting a degree in nutrition and starting a business specializing in weight loss, but also consulting people in the fitness and bodybuilding sport. I guess my point in writing this thread is to get opinions on whether or not this seems like a viable business venture. Sure we all pay close detail to what we eat, but is there a market for this type business? I have a friend who is a trainer and IFBB masters competitor and he pays a lot of money for a nutritionist when it comes time to prepare for a show. I don't want to limit myself to just this though. I want to teach people how to properly diet.
Re educating the general population has been a desire of mine also. I'd say if you have the fortitude to get the schooling and start building a client base than go for it.

Only thing holding me back is the ongoing business part of it. I've helped a few "friends" clean up their diet and shared programs like DC with them only to find out later they never followed a damn bit of it. Obviously that was "free" info but it pisses me off when someone asks for my "expertise" in something and I spend time and effort toward it and they don't do shit with it. That is the only thing that has turned me away from pursuing a career in nutrition or training for that matter.
If its your dream and passion then go for it. You can get started while still keeping your current job
Walker....I'm gonna give you the tough love end of it. While I believe in following your dream and doing what makes you happy, the Nutrition/Training Niche is extremely hard to make a good living at. Especially if you just want to specialize in Nutrition. You can definitely earn more with a degree, but that takes a lot of hard work and dedication to do it. If you're willing to do that, give up some family time for online classes or night school....if you're willing to sacrifice your position where you're at now....then absolutely, do it! Just make sure you have completely thought everything thru and know what you're getting yourself into. It won't be a walk in the park, but if you're dedicated, you'll be doing what you're passionate about.
TSizemore said:
Wacker....I'm gonna give you the tough love end of it. While I believe in following your dream and doing what makes you happy, the Nutrition/Training Niche is extremely hard to make a good living at. Especially if you just want to specialize in Nutrition. You can definitely earn more with a degree, but that takes a lot of hard work and dedication to do it. If you're willing to do that, give up some family time for online classes or night school....if you're willing to sacrifice your position where you're at now....then absolutely, do it! Just make sure you have completely thought everything thru and know what you're getting yourself into. It won't be a walk in the park, but if you're dedicated, you'll be doing what you're passionate about.
Well said. Totally agree. Except it's Walker here, not Wacker. Just sayin'. I know the advice is still solid, and would be the same for Walker or Wacker. ;D
RockShawn said:
Re educating the general population has been a desire of mine also. I'd say if you have the fortitude to get the schooling and start building a client base than go for it.

Only thing holding me back is the ongoing business part of it. I've helped a few "friends" clean up their diet and shared programs like DC with them only to find out later they never followed a damn bit of it. Obviously that was "free" info but it pisses me off when someone asks for my "expertise" in something and I spend time and effort toward it and they don't do shit with it. That is the only thing that has turned me away from pursuing a career in nutrition or training for that matter.
That's just it. Seems like when people pay for something they're more likely to follow through.
also the dream may not be all it's cracked up to be... probably a lot of unmotivated and boring clients that (like rock said) don't do anything you tell them. their passion for lifting life style will probably not match yours and be a let down.

try it as hobby on the side first if possible...

building that client list to make a decent living will be like building any other business from the ground up.. a lot of networking , contacts and sales... i hate that stuff.
Hanzo said:
Well said. Totally agree. Except it's Walker here, not Wacker. Just sayin'. I know the advice is still solid, and would be the same for Walker or Wacker. ;D
HanzoWhat? Hell No!! If I thought I was talking to Walker I would have told him to walk into his shop tomorrow, tell his boss to kiss his ever loving ass, Pick up the forming table and throw it, storm out, then go to the nearest Planet Fitness and bust open the doors and scream "who hear wants to know how to be trained by a real fitness trainer" .......but, since I thought it Wacker, I gave the sound advice 😀 Oh well.....Wacker, just listen to my first post I guess.. 8)
I say pursue your passion, start on the weekends and evenings and see how it goes, maybe as you get closer to retirement from the day job transition full time into what you enjoy
You know the single most important thing we all share that separates us from others? Self discipline. We do the shit that normal people will not and cannot do. I believe that is the key to success. I understand its not an easy business. I want to be the motivating force to push people to eat better and live healthier lifestyles. Failure doesn't bother me. Most successful people have failed many times. I'm willing to put in the effort. I get to my office before 5 am every day and leave at or after 5. I appreciate the opinions.
TSizemore said:
What? Hell No!! If I thought I was talking to Walker I would have told him to walk into his shop tomorrow, tell his boss to kiss his ever loving ass, Pick up the forming table and throw it, storm out, then go to the nearest Planet Fitness and bust open the doors and scream "who hear wants to know how to be trained by a real fitness trainer" .......but, since I thought it Wacker, I gave the sound advice 😀 Oh well.....Wacker, just listen to my first post I guess.. 8)
The OP is still walker. I tried to cover your ass the first time with a friendly edit. You're on your own now. LOL.
RockShawn said:
The OP is still walker. I tried to cover your ass the first time with a friendly edit. You're on your own now. LOL.
Yeah, poor TS. I didn't want to say anything, hoping it would get through. ;D
And yes, this is not something I'll jump straight into. It'll be part time until I see I can make it full time. My wife has a bachelors in business marketing and a masters degree. She earns a decent salary too.
Walker said:
You know the single most important thing we all share that separates us from others? Self discipline. We do the shit that normal people will not and cannot do. I believe that is the key to success. I understand its not an easy business. I want to be the motivating force to push people to eat better and live healthier lifestyles. Failure doesn't bother me. Most successful people have failed many times. I'm willing to put in the effort. I get to my office before 5 am every day and leave at or after 5. I appreciate the opinions.
If you want it-it can be done! I had three kids and a wife and started college with a full time job. I didn't go online so my days never ended but like you said most of us go well above the normal person. I also graduated in the top 4% of my class with a 3.90 GPA, from one of the top colleges in my feild on the east coast. anything is possible if you want it.
RockShawn said:
The OP is still walker. I tried to cover your ass the first time with a friendly edit. You're on your own now. LOL.
Hanzo said:
Yeah, poor TS. I didn't want to say anything, hoping it would get through. ;D
Guess it was to subtle for you guys to understand.....I'll be more direct next time....😉

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