thinking about TRT only from here on out


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i weighed in at 217 at the doc visit the other day... feel certain i'm below 15% badyfat... and don't want to get bigger just leaner.

figured i could do that on trt test only... would be healthier for me since i'm older (47). i got to thinking about this when i was considering draining my own blood while on cycle and then realized i was doing all this with no desire to get

felt kind of stupid to push my old ass through cycles, and donations etc... when all i want at this point is a leaner body.

anyone have any experience maintaining my level of mass (noncompetitive physique) on trt only (100-125mg a week). could i just refine what i have on trt only?
I have no experience with TRT and maintaing mass Krustus but I have an opinion from everything I've heard and read. We all know we have a genetic potential, anything over that we are gonna lose at some point when we come off AAS. What I would do is run a cycle to get where you want to get, lean if that's your goal. The cycle will help you preserve the mass (not all probably) you have and get you were you want to be. After that with a good diet, a TRT dose of test you should be able to keep the look I think your after. Of course keeping weight off and preserving lean muscle will be tougher but there's no easy way out. That being said, if your TRT is a bit above normal, (wink wink) I think you can keep that fit tone muscular look. I know this is not much help but I thought I'd post it for you any way.
even a normal trt dose say 100 - 150 mg a week is going to keep you at 850 - 900 or so, its just about eating the same and working out the same as you do now.
Thanks LT. ..thanks misterb. ... I respect both you guys a lot.... thanks for your input
AAS are you used to break plateau's and bust records. Not for maintenance. So, as long as you eat correctly for your weight and mass level, maintaining on a TRT dose won't be a problem at all.
That's what I was thinking tsize... it's not like I'm a 300 lb monster. .. I think maintaining my 210 or so would be no problem with a trt dose
You can definitely make progress on a TRT only dose. I'm a young guy, but due to my competition schedule I've only been doing one 10-12 week blast for the past 3 years. During my long cruise times, I've moved up in bodyweight and set PR's no problem. You just have to be smarter with diet and training / programming.
thanks CT... at my age i don't want to go up in weight... so trt dose to maintain should be some PR's here and there would be nice, looking decent for the wife is the major goal
I lose weight yet gain size on any amt of test...albeit I've not run less than 300mg. If i add another compound, I put on the lbs. Currently up to 264 from 245-ish in 3 weeks adding npp.
I think its completely possible to maintain a transform you muscculature on 250 test a week...with a proper diet.
matty ...i was thinking more of a true trt dose 100-125mg a week...should keep me in the high normal range.

and i think at my size (210-215lbs) it would be enough... getting opinions on it..what you guys think or have experienced.
I was under impression trt was 250...either way, 125-ish should keep you lean if you diet.
yeah matty... 250 is like a mild cycle ... i know guys who got super jacked on that dose .. 125mg puts me up to 1200 total t... so i'm thinking 100mgs to avoid any sides

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