Thinking of having Hair Replacement done


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Even before I got on AAS, I was loosing my hair starting at the vertex and now moving forward. I've been researching different Hair Replacement options, But wondered if any of you have any experience with this.

The option I'm looking into is a robotic, random harvesting of follicles so I won't have a line scar in the back from a strip being removed. It isn't getting any worse, but rogain, propecia and spiro and other stuff I've tried isn't helping it grow back or thicken up either. There is hair there, It's just very fine and thin.

Wondering If my AAS use is gonna make it difficult for the hair to reattach, and/or fallout still even after the procedure.
From what I have read the hair on the sides and back of the head are resistant to DHT so they will never fall out no matter what. You should be g2g.
just shave it you woman!
Kuntrykok said:
From what I have read the hair on the sides and back of the head are resistant to DHT so they will never fall out no matter what. You should be g2g.
Basically nailed it^^ They take those hairs from the side and back of head and apply to thinning/balding areas. Theres forums out there you can check out. I've noticed alot of guys mentioning to avoid working with bosley cus they're just after your money bugging you monthly to come in for appointments ect and feed you B.S. to get your CC charged. Avoid stuff with DHT, hence tren/mast. minoxid with azelic acid helps block dht as well. i've used it for awhile n seemed to help, along with nizoral 2% shampoo
I always considered it myself Big Rock. I have a receding hairline in the front. The wife talked me into shaving it and its been nothing but women hitting on me I can get her to give the verificatioin. I do miss my hair though
Last I heard it was pretty expensive to get it done. Have you priced it? I would like to just have the hairline done as I don't have any other thinning except on the left side in the front. The only thing that would suck is if you continue to lose behind where they do the would be going back to keep up with what is falling out. I guess if you have Elton John money you can just say fuck it and do the whole head. Lol I saw some pictures of Elton from the 70's and some from now and it's amazing how much different his hair looks. I think Tim Mcgraw has had extensive transplant work too. I run Mast, Winny and a lot of High androgenic compounds and haven't really noticed any speed up in loss since running them. You are either genetically destined to lose it or keep it so I say wtf bring it on.....
Yeah I'm torn. It hasn't gotten any worse in 10years, and over the last 3 I've run a ton of tren, mast, tne, mdht all the stuff that should have rendered me bald. That's the only reason I'm considering it, cause I don't realistically think its actively falling out anymore. Then again I could be fooling myself.
If you don't do something soon, there will come a time where you will say "fuck it, who cares"
49ER said:
I forgot to say from back or chest hes got plenty to share lol
49ERI got some ass hair and pubes 4 ya..
Try a real tight buzz and see if it fits you, I don't shave but buzz once a week with no guard.

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