Thinking of starting a cycle next week



Ok so I have been rehabbing my shoulder for the past 2 months and next week I am cleared from the doc to start lifting back normally again. I havent lifted normally in 7 months with just the last 2 months super light weight, like 10-20 lbs max for all lifts. I am gonna run a cycle starting next week so I am trying to lay it all out.

I am no beginner to cycles and have done probably 30+ cycles since 1999. I am not new to large cycle as my last cycle was over 4000mg ew and I was pinning myself over 30 times per week including pep and hcg.

So I am looking at shedding some unwanted weight I gained from my time on the couch.

I am thinking test prop, tren ace, mast prop, anavar, and npp to be good choices. I just need to figure out doses and combinations of a few of them or even all of them if it will work.

I will be running ghrp-6 and cjc-1295 ed as well as hcg at 500ius e5d.

Give me some cycle advice using the choices I have thought of above; combos of them, all of them, doses of each, length of cycle, stuff like that. I want to get a feel for what everyone thinks.
That cycle looks awsome man let me know how it goes I'm about to do a 6 week blast of test tren var and either tbol or proviron but I think the next one will include npp never tried it b4
Yea I like to do big cycles. I am looking to see if using npp with all the rest would be good. I know the tren ace, test prop, var, and mast will mesh well, now I just want to find out about throwing npp in there too.
Don't run the tren ace and the npp at the same time. Unless you like doubling your shot at producing milk. You can run one for a time, then switch it for the will love that!
I'm with Wabbit....if you want to add something synergistic....add in Primo instead of NPP. And if you really want to shed the weight, throw in, for your last 6 weeks, a Clen/T3 combo. You'll shed like mad!
I have run tren ace and deca together before that was why I was thinking the npp wouldnt be a problem cause it is just a fast acting deca. Also I will be running 1mg of mt2 ed, that will help me shed some of the weight also, aside from getting a nice tan and being horny all the time lol. Last time I took mt2 my appetite was suppressed and I actually cut up pretty nice, my wife took it and dropped 20+ pounds.
They say running 2 19NOR Compounds is not a good ideal. But I have read many guys doing just that and never having an issue with prolactin problems everyone is different.
So as far as doses I am used to doing prop 100mgs and tren ace 100mgs ed 7 days a week. I am thinking 60-80mgs of var ed too.

And if I do decide to throw the npp in should that go 100mgs ed too?
And the mast, should that be 100mgs ed?

The mast and npp are the only ones Im not positive on dosing as I havent used them before.

I am not scared of big shots so 3ml is nothing to me to do ed and I have even shot twice a day 2-3mls per shot, simply because I dont like using anything bigger than a 3ml syringe and the shots for those days wouldnt fit so I had to do 2 shots.

Forgot to add my stats.
dont know bf% but its out of check from my 7 month layoff from lifting.
24yrs training
30+ cycles since 1999
I'd vote to lower the test and keep the tren at 700/week(i cant handle high tren without dropping the test) npp or mast either 1 I'd keep under 500 mg/week and if u run npp with tren have caber. I think mast would b over kill to add to all that. Gluck bud
Thanks for the input bro. I will definitely give it some thought.
I've always dosed my Mast the same as my Prop. But, I've never dosed it in the amounts you're talking about, i.e. ED. That would be 2800mg/wk plus the Var.
TSizemore said:
I've always dosed my Mast the same as my Prop. But, I've never dosed it in the amounts you're talking about, i.e. ED. That would be 2800mg/wk plus the Var.
Yes sir. My last cycle was a long cycle and it was over 4000mg ew, so 2800mgs ew sounds like a good start to a cycle lol.
I am postponing the start of my cycle until next week because I have to get a few things to complete my weekly routine. I am also thinking of holding off on the npp until later on in the cycle. So just gonna stick to test p, tren a, mast p, and var ed for awhile then maybe drop the mast and bring in the npp. Gonna get my protein and aminos and pre-during-post workout drinks in line. I am excited to get started.
Cycle starts tomorrow, im excited to get going on it. Ill post up a log.
About time! 😛
I was gonna start last week but I had to get a few more things to make sure I had everything in line beforehand. I have everything now so I am ready to rock.
The test p tren a and mast p is a awesome combo. My badger is on the same cycle right now and he seems to really like it..
I know a few guys that say its a good combo too. I have done the cycle minus the mast before so I am looking forward to adding it in and seeing how it is.
I wouldn't say good, but the BEST COMBO! Except for your hair...
goodfella said:
I wouldn't say good, but the BEST COMBO! Except for your hair...
goodfellaBest is right!!! Never had any hair issues with it.....But had some major night sweats! That was it.

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