Thoughts on fasting


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Any one here dabble in intermittent fasting or just out right fasting? Curious to hear about results and /or positives and negatives.
I changed the frequency of meals a while back and dropped weight pretty easy, didn't really mess with the portion size.
I would not eat in the morning until 12pm and then I would eat again between 6 and 8pm, didn't really get hungry either unless it was right at the time I was ready to eat anyway and having a little snack to hold you over will help until you get used to the regimen.
I'm just really curious.... I feel currently like I can't stop eating... No idea why... But I want to establish a pattern that most Benefits me..... Just looking for everyone's input... Thank you for yours
I started by not eating until 1100 or noon, one snack in between if you need to and then I would not eat until later.
I had gained a lot of weight from an auto accident and I did not keep up with the amount of time it took to loose weight but I lost 20lbs within 1.5 months I believe it was just by adjusting my eating habit in this way.
My dad said he did it so I thought I would give it a try and no problem and the good thing is you start realizing when you are truly hungry and not just craving something because your stomach will start growling and you can tell it is truly empty bro and ready to fill.

I always ate enough at the first meal to get me through the day unti l ate again.
I've tried IF but it didn't work for me. I'm not as clear and with the level of work I have in school and outside I have to be as sharp as possible. I felt like I was in a haze. My wife loves it and it works well for her. She's also in academia right now, working on a PhD in Math so it could work well for you. There's research out there which shows it can help with BP and other issues people face. I was concerned with weight loss but that wasn't an issue for me but at the end of the day, it's Kcal in and Kcal out. It just may be easier to get all the Kcal in with more frequent meals. Give it a try.
i've done it. great way to lean up. i just got done doing it for 6 months. I feel like it's great for cutting but i think it's difficult to add significant mass doing it if that is your goal. I feel better physically and mentally when i do it, but it becomes mentally draining after awhile because i'm always thinking about when i can eat, when i can't....makes eating out or social/special occasions difficult
I was doing but on dnp their is no way I’m getting to hungry haha I think if you ain’t on dnp then it’s amazing
I appreciate all of the responses. I am sure Ill have to work myself into it. Ive always been a breakfast eater, I tihnk that will be my biggest challenge to start.....I heard coffee can be your best friend for those mornings.
you adjust to it pretty fast, at least i did. just stay busy when you get hungry and the urge to eat will pass pretty quick.
Made it through my first day of 18/6 If! Want terribly hard but the morning was a bit trying as I am used to breakfast. I was REALLY looking forward to lunch when the time came around. On to day two.
damn, 18/6 is hardcore. i've done 16/8 the two times i've done it. good luck! It gets easier
I think it was easier for me because Coffee was my breakfast, I was never used to eating early.
Good luck BK, you are going to do fine.
it does its called EATING
It will, drink your coffee and stay busy in the morning and before you know it lunch time will be opon you and you can eat. As time goes by your body will get used to it.
Agreed - just stick with it and you'll get used to it. Make sure you stay busy like Thor said. Eating is more a mental thing than your body actually NEEDING food.

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