

Iron Killer
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Lately I have been getting a very bad burning sensation when I pin certain areas of my right and sometimes my left quad. A little back story, I use my quads more often then any other area and have no issues putting 3ccs in there. I have been using them the past three years consistently along with my glutes. My current cycle requires me to pin ED and have been doing so now for the past 10 weeks. Thats 70 injections between my left and right Quads and glutes.

It has started happening more frequently that I will pin my right quad, begin to inject and after about half a cc, it feels like I am shooting liquid fire into my leg and cannot stand to push anymore liquid in. I have to stop, pull it out and either re-pin the same leg or often use my left. After I stop and re-pin everything is fine. Its not the gear, its not my technique. There is no redness or swelling from the spots that hurt either...

My only thought is I must be pinning into scar tissue or using the same spots to frequently. Any thoughts or similar experiences?
I do get burning but my glutes swell because all the scar tissue and it sucks. Thats why i switshed to lomg ester and i love short ester but im so tired of ed pinning. Im pretty sire its your scar tissue i know thats my case
49ER said:
I do get burning but my glutes swell because all the scar tissue and it sucks. Thats why i switshed to lomg ester and i love short ester but im so tired of ed pinning. Im pretty sire its your scar tissue i know thats my case
Thanks man. Yes that is the only thing that makes sense to me as well.
imho... that much pinning needs more spots ... delts.. ventrol glutes...lats..etc

if the tissue is irritated still from the pin the 2 days before.. more gear is just gonna make it worse... i would think one site would need 5-7 days between pins

but scar tissue could be the issue also... need more sites or long esters
LT when I had that issue with my quad few weeks ago, I saw another dr who knows about my AAS use. He told me a few things I think you know already but I'll remind you.

Even though we clean the area it's still possible to develop an infection in our muscle which might not be seen for awhile. Also by injecting there's a chance you could cause a small tear in a muscle, tendon or nerve, when pushing the fluid in your quad. And there's scar tissue.

I would lean towards scar tissue or a slight tear in a muscle in your quad. Check your temp often though just to make sure it's not a possible infection.

Wish you the best. Part of the reason I switched to long esters myself.
krustus said:
imho... that much pinning needs more spots ... delts.. ventrol glutes...lats..etc

if the tissue is irritated still from the pin the 2 days before.. more gear is just gonna make it worse... i would think one site would need 5-7 days between pins

but scar tissue could be the issue also... need more sites or long esters

I agree Krustus. Looking into the Ventro Glute. My delt will not hold as much oil as I need... They do need more of a break even though I try and hit different spots on the quad. My ass is still relatively fresh compared to my legs though 😉
Daredevil said:
LT when I had that issue with my quad few weeks ago, I saw another dr who knows about my AAS use. He told me a few things I think you know already but I'll remind you.

Even though we clean the area it's still possible to develop an infection in our muscle which might not be seen for awhile. Also by injecting there's a chance you could cause a small tear in a muscle, tendon or nerve, when pushing the fluid in your quad. And there's scar tissue.

I would lean towards scar tissue or a slight tear in a muscle in your quad. Check your temp often though just to make sure it's not a possible infection.

I am pretty sure I do not have an infection but like you said, shooting into scar tissue before its healed is not a good idea.
Wish you the best. Part of the reason I switched to long esters myself.
you may have to divide the compounds up ...shoot some in one delt and some in the ass...etc.. next day...other delt and other side of ass.. etc...

if you gonna run a big boy cycle you gonna be pinning everywhere ... biceps , lats, calves, ventro glutes, chest., triceps... lol... you get the picture
LT your post was blank. But I heard tickling your prostate while masterbaiting cures everything lol
krustus said:
you may have to divide the compounds up ...shoot some in one delt and some in the ass...etc.. next day...other delt and other side of ass.. etc...

if you gonna run a big boy cycle you gonna be pinning everywhere ... biceps , lats, calves, ventro glutes, chest., triceps... lol... you get the picture
Well fuck pinning most of those place lol.. Its only happened recently so I will start with the ventros
Well fuck pinning most of those place lol.. Its only happened recently so I will start with the ventros

i'm a small hadn't run anything for almost a year... but when i do.. i rotate ventro glutes, glutes, thighs, and delts.. thats enough spots for a small timer like me

ventro glute are the best spot... use both hands like a quad shot but not as much chance of hitting nerves etc...
krustus said:
i'm a small hadn't run anything for almost a year... but when i do.. i rotate ventro glutes, glutes, thighs, and delts.. thats enough spots for a small timer like me

Give yourself a little more credit there old man. I am no big timer myself its just that I know for me Tren A has to be pinned ED.
tren a everyday... if its half cc or less... and especially if its MCT oil ... i would consider subq... in a bunch of different spots

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