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Visually, the squat pattern is simple. However, neuromuscularly and biomechanically it's actually very complex. It requires a number of precisely executed components to lock the movement in. Some of these include:
- Set the hips back without bending over.
- Spread the knees apart but not excessively.
- Keep a neutral spine while maintaining a very slight natural curvature of the back.
- Squat somewhere between 90 degrees and parallel (don't collapse or go ATG).
- Pull yourself into the bottom position rather than allowing gravity to push you down.
- Brace the core and tense your abs.
- Keep the chest out without hyperextending the back.
- Screw the feet into the floor by pushing slightly more to the outside of the feet.
- Keep the feet relatively straight and aligned with the each other.
- Pull the bar into your back by activating your lats.
- Keep the head neutral (don't look up but don't let the head drop).
- Maintain maximal full body tension each and every rep.
- Move in a perfectly vertical fashion without shifting horizontally.
- Load each leg as symmetrically as possible without favoring one side.