TMM test d again... off the charts


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
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EG Cash
i just got blood drawn by my doc again been on half cc of TMM test d ... actually been trying to error on the lower side of that half cc.

did last shot 6 days before... my total test level was still 1273 6 days after that shot!!!!!

i've been on it for a while i'm sure the long ester builds up and leaves you at a steady number after a few weeks , thus the high reading 6 days later
. Have you been keeping up with a good diet and adequate sleep because those are good numbers right there
Yeah I been very good on the diet and try to 8 or 9 hours sleep... 125mg a week of test d before put me over 1200... but it was like 3 days after the shot... 125mg of Paxton test e ..split in 2 doses a week put me at 1200 plus 2-3 days after a shot... these are normal numbers for me lately...

Last bloods before this had my estrogen totally bottomed out?.. and total t above 1200... and I hadn't taken an AI in weeks or more...

I don't know if it's good or I don't want to have 1200 t year round I will be lowering the trt dose... at least the bottle will last longer
Hell yes my friend , real good numbers. Thank you for posting this bro. Its always good to hear your results.
We love to hear results from our gear brother, thanks for posting this. Those are very good numbers!


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