To lift or not to lift when sick...... What does everyone else do???


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
bad head cold and possible sinus infection right now. I just load up on ibuprofen before my workout and push through it even though the energy isn't there.

What does everyone else do?? Push through, or take time off?
i listen to my body and take it case by case. if its just a runny nose or head cold and i feel like i can put in a good hard work out ill go if i know i cant give it my all or am completely dragging i listen to my body and take the day off try and sleep and reevaluate the next day
Depends in how sick.

If I can make it I do, if I can barely keep eyes open or food down...
I use to always say.. "Fuck it I'm going to the gym" Now I judge based on what it is. If it's just a minor cold I'm going. But if I felt crappy all day, I rest my body. Why?? Cause normally I will just get a shitty workout and just prolong my condition.
I very rarely miss a day training. I would have to be so sick that I cant even move, otherwise I drag myself to the gym sick weak on the verge of throwing up stomach ache runs whatever the illness and I lift my regular schedule just might have to go lighter.

Case by case, definitely. A little cold .....suck it up! Really sick, dragging ass sick.....body needs to heal and recoup.
If it's just a cold. I'm training. If it is like flu shit, I'm in bed like a lil baby.
I always try try to train sometimes getting my bllod flowing helps but i definitely take it case by case
Train, spread them germs... If i aint making gainz no one is! Lmao, nah it really comes down to how sick i am.

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