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Lets hear it guys and girls.What are you greatfull for today? When you woke up this morning and looked out the window,what gave you joy???

I'll start......................MY LIFE!!!!!! My family,the health of them and myself,and the career ive chosen and has brought me to where im at now in life.More so,for the xtra free time im finally getting to spend with my family that ive missed out on in the past growing my business.

morrey said:
Honestly... just to be alive and given a chance

Thats enough my friend.Both are very great things to be greatfull for.Each day alive is a blessing but you are making the chances brother so pat yourself on the back for that.Many don't take those chances or even put themselves in the running for them so that alone is a credit to yourself.
Been a while since I've done this...was always one of my favorite threads on EG. I'm grateful for passion. Grateful that I strive for something and love something. Grateful that I was given an opportunity, that my boss took a chance and saw my drive and passion, and took me on as his protege. That he invests in me, believes in me, and supports me because he knows how much I ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY Love this job. I'm grateful for each and every one of my clients aND the chance to change their lives.
I'm greatful you guys keep me entertain! My life be boring without ya'll!
1 - My wife of 15 years ( My true love )

2 - Our 2 amazing kids

3 - Our health, all 4 of us

4 - My Saviour Christ Jesus who delivered me from a very destructive alcohol / C addiction that just about killed me .. Totally clean now

5 - My father .. Who is the best

6 - My education ..
Today im grateful for this amazing weather were having.GORGEOUS OUT!
Ischus-Rep said:
1 - My wife of 15 years ( My true love )

2 - Our 2 amazing kids

3 - Our health, all 4 of us

4 - My Saviour Christ Jesus who delivered me from a very destructive alcohol / C addiction that just about killed me .. Totally clean now

5 - My father .. Who is the best

6 - My education ..

Thats awesome brother.Great on all accounts.Congratulations on beating the addiction.You've done what many fail to do.Stick with it brother.
Ischus-Rep said:
1 - My wife of 15 years ( My true love )

2 - Our 2 amazing kids

3 - Our health, all 4 of us

4 - My Saviour Christ Jesus who delivered me from a very destructive alcohol / C addiction that just about killed me .. Totally clean now

5 - My father .. Who is the best

6 - My education ..
AMEN Brother!!!!!!!
F.I.S.T. said:

Thats awesome brother.Great on all accounts.Congratulations on beating the addiction.You've done what many fail to do.Stick with it brother.
It was not easy and I have to work on it daily .. The powder just about flat lined me !! Alcohol always led me to it so I walked away from it all
My wife of 15 years did the one thing I have never been able to get her to do .. She texted me a photo of her laying on the bed and snapped a shot for me and sent it to me at work !! Wow !! Shocked .. It set me on fire
Ischus-Rep said:
My wife of 15 years did the one thing I have never been able to get her to do .. She texted me a photo of her laying on the bed and snapped a shot for me and sent it to me at work !! Wow !! Shocked .. It set me on fire
Love it bro. My wife does it frequently. But thinks I get over excited about it and thinks it's not that big of a deal. I explain to her I just love it that she still does it
Wife. Healthy Kids. Third one on the way. To have a job with economy being shit. My family who is always there for me. You guys and the sponsors here giving us the opportunity to persue our goals and dreams in the lifting world. My good health. Hell.. I'm even great full for my boxer I have. Best dam dog I've ever had! All I'll also be Thankful to wake up tomorrow because God allowed me to.
Ischus-Rep said:
It was not easy and I have to work on it daily .. The powder just about flat lined me !! Alcohol always led me to it so I walked away from it all

I hear ya brother.Thats how it usually is.Everyone has a "starter" substance.Something that leads them to others and usually,much worse substances.Whether it be cigarettes,alcohol or pot,some just cant control themselves once they get started with that one substance.For a guy I know,its cigarettes.Once he starts smoking,even one,its coerces him to start drinking which then leads him back to his ultimate addiction of shooting up.So what does he do? Of course not let himself be put in that situation and not hang around with his o0ld crowd that smokes like chimneys.

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