Tore my hamstring from a CRAMP?!?!?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
So Monday before last , almost two weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night with the most horrific inner quad and hamstring cramp in my life. Screaming, cursing, damn near crying in pain I couldn't even talk. It finally went away then bam another one just like it again with in seconds. Went back to bed.

The next day went to work and could barely bend at the knee and went home to ice it up. Days go by and then old lady and I are fooling around and she goes OH SHIT...LOOK AT THAT BRUISE. I honestly thought it was just a bad cramp till I saw that bruise and then the next day it started hurting again.

It feels a lot better now with mild soreness. I'm skipping legs for a while but I can do the cardio bike just fine. I drink lots of water and started taking potassium supps.

Around the sane time I was coming off dbol, test and tren. Maybe the water bloat I was losing was also dehydrating me????

Anyone ever have this happen?

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Yup your legs are too tight need to stretch everyday. The thighs and hams get all bunched up and stuck to the muscle. This happened to me a few months ago when I neglected stretching I was stretching leg up on a bar at the gym and got bad pain it's a small tear. I woke up with a huge bruise just like yours. Tight hams fucken suck.
49ER said:
Yup your legs are too tight need to stretch everyday. The thighs and hams get all bunched up and stuck to the muscle. This happened to me a few months ago when I neglected stretching I was stretching leg up on a bar at the gym and got bad pain it's a small tear. I woke up with a huge bruise just like yours. Tight hams fucken suck.
Right on 49er. Stretching is one of the most overlooked yet most useful tools at our disposal. Secret is, always be warmed up to a slight sweat before stretching, and save deeper stretches (eod) for the post-w/o stretch, when you're dripping sweat.

All athletic endeavors (no matter which sport you're talking) benefit greatly with a solid flexibility plan in place.
This happens to me when I run masteron, stretching can help but it can also be a low level of many things in the body too, certain metals, amino acids, etc...
I feel your pain. I tore mine WAY back in my football days. Took forever to heal.
When I was in rehab for mine I did lots of ice treatment and stationary bike riding just as you are now.
Thanks for the advice and input fellas. Its feeling ok right now even after 20minutes hiit on the bike. Might hit up the doc next week.
did the same thing a few years back, cramped up bad while i was sleeping... couldn't get it to release, ended up with a mild tear... blood (looks like bruising) showed up behind the knee....

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