Tracking sleep


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being a Sunday i slept in plus took a short nap yesterday. But still llook at this shit.
up 8 times minimum as it doesn't always catch the awakening during my actual sleep.
believe it or not this was a great night for me as under 5 hours total and up 6-10 times is common.

god i want actual sleep!Capture+_2020-02-16-10-19-00.webp
Another id saved this is more my normal and again it doesnt capture every awakening super short ones dont showCapture+_2020-02-13-11-16-53.webp
GRIM this is exactly how my sleep tracker looked before I got my CPAP machine. Except I only got up 3-4 times a night to pee. Now I sleep 7 hours straight and don't get up at all. Life changer.
I had tried everything too. Melatonin, blue blocker glasses, glass of wine, warm shower, CBD oil, etc. But the lack of deep sleep finally jacked my BP up so much, along with falling asleep on my drive home from work every afternoon, that I got professional help from a doc that really knew his stuff.
And yeah it took a little getting used to the mask and the machine but it has changed my life. Worth at least a try. And covered by my health insurance is a bonus.
Im up every 30-45 minutes to pee. Its NUTS

Nocturia (nighttime urination) is so prevalent in sleep apnea patients it has become a screening tool as significant as snoring. A research study showed that over 84% of patients with sleep apnea reported frequent nighttime urination while 82% acknowledged snoring.

How many bathroom trips do you make during the night? It’s considered normal for one to be awakened once or twice during the night to urinate, but many patients with untreated sleep apnea report as many as 6 or more nightly trips. Often, people assume this disruption of sleep and having a small bladder causes treks to the bathroom.

“Sleep researchers know that nocturia is a sign of sleep apnea,” says Mary Umlauf, Ph.D., associate professor of nursing at UAB and lead investigator of the research study. “However, because the underlying mechanisms linking sleep apnea and nocturia had not been studied before, people with nocturia were more likely to report the problem to their gynecologist or urologist, not a sleep clinician. Doctors most often attribute nocturia to aging in women or to prostate problems in men.”

The study states that “nocturia can be defined as awakening from sleep to voluntarily urinate. It differs from enuresis or bed-wetting, where the person does not arouse from sleep, but the bladder empties anyway. Until recently, nocturia was thought to be caused by a full bladder, but it is also a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. What actually causes nocturia is still being investigated. Some researchers believe that one event per night is within normal limits; two or more events per night may be associated with sleep deprivation.”

How does apnea cause nocturia? Umlauf explains that during episodes of sleep apnea, the soft structures in the throat relax and close off the airway, setting into motion a chain of physiological events. “Oxygen decreases, carbon dioxide increases, the blood become more acidic, the heart rate drops and blood vessels in the lung constrict,” says Umlauf. “The body is alerted that something is very wrong. The sleeper must wake enough to reopen the airway. By this time, the heart is racing and experiences a false signal of fluid overload. The heart excretes a hormone-like protein that tells the body to get rid of sodium and water, resulting in nocturia.”

The good news is that many people who have nocturia due to their untreated sleep apnea find that it totally resolves once they become cpap compliant. We are aware that the ravages of sleep apnea can and do cause a higher risk of heart problems and stroke. These present serious incentives for patients to strive for successful use of cpap. Nocturia is yet another motivation to become therapy compliant to achieve apnea free, quality, restorative sleep. There are other medical reasons to experience nocturia, so if you suffer with frequent nighttime urination, please discuss with your medical team.
My cause is from the strokes drs have looked into apnea it isnt it
all i know is id keel to sleep 2-3 hours straight!
Im in the same boat. Im up atleast 10× a night. I worry about recovery but im getting stronger.. I might start taking trasadone again.
Its def effecting me.
5 hours but up every 30 to 45 minutes.
But been this way for good 8 or 9 years.
Rx pills do nothing 4 me
I know i snore but its more than that. Im on tren this cycle n that always kills the sleep. Never sweat with tren just no sleep heartburn n intense aggression.
It has to affect your overall strength. You try accupuncture yet? I just moved into a new place n its causing alot of problems for me. My freakin headboard is a hollowed out shelf. I cant put my pillow against that monstosity. Lol
Yeah i did it in the past helped some but not 4 sleep
Def effects strength energy gains
Hope you find an answer Grim. Im searching for one too. Are whole purpose here , who we are , what we do, the things we take. These are all ways to bend nature our way. Here is another obstacle to be cleared from our path. Goodnite

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