Transgender suing crossfit -very sad day again!


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
This really pisses me off hearing this shit exists. If your no longer a man why you have to still take hormones to stay a women? That is called cheating! :-\
Yep and I wouldn't be surprised to see him
Win the lawsuit either. Poor thing just wants to whip the shit outta all those women. Lol
I will start by saying I am disgusted by the response to this so far.

I will give you all the benefit of the doubt and assume you are uneducated about the issues transgenders face.

When someone is born a male, and is actually female in terms of the brain (the thallmus of the brain in transgenders, gays, and heterosexuals are all DISTINCTLY different from each other, but similar inside each category), this is when they would be deemed transgender. Born female, mentally male is the same case. The thallmus is essentially what makes It's kind of like your 'soul'.

Now when you have SRS (sexual reassignment surgery), in a male-born the testes are removed, and the scrotom/penis is surgically turned into a vagina. Women produce estrogen and female hormones with their ovaries, primarily; a transgender female does not have ovaries so they must take hormones to remain physically a woman. Otherwise you end up with no hormones at all, or very little...which is harmful to health. It has nothing to do with cheating....and this person is not necessarily out to whip all the females in the competition. Being on HRT gives them the same hormone levels and ratios as a natural female; just because they were born physically a male does not mean they have high testosterone and look like a woman. They aren't necessarily at an advantage here, other than the drive to prove themselves.

You have no right to judge people like this; they have existed for as long as human kind has been just weren't aware of it because they were SO harshly discriminated against many of them were killed...and still are today.

Do transgenders have a place in bodybuilding/powerlifting, competing against 'natural born males' and 'natural born females'? Maybe...maybe not. Maybe there should be a specific class for transgenders because of the skeletal differences that you can't change if HRT/SRS is started after puberty hits. It's still a new enough issue that it's up for debate...but not judgement or "this shit makes me sick!!"

Is this person out to file frivolous lawsuits? Maybe. Maybe not. Is this person filing a lawsuit for legitimate reasons? Maybe, maybe not. Let's use facts and data to determine this...not feelings. Making decisions and laws based on feelings is like using religion as the backbone for our judicial system...and that works out about as well as putting a frog in a blender and expecting it to survive.

Please be kind and open-minded. The main reason people bash/judge things like this is because they are afraid of what they do not understand. You have nothing to be afraid of. Speaking generally, they just want to be a part of society just like everyone else. Take the time to educate yourself, and understand them.

Understand them? What's the point? If we feel someone who is in the midst of, or has went through this disgusting process, is in the wrong, we have just as much right to disagree and state our opinion as you have the right to agree with what they are doing and state your opinion.

Please, the above responses disgust you? You're the close-minded person because you think there's something wrong because we don't agree with this whole sex change thing. It's insane lunacy, at best. You call out people for being judgmental as you are judging them, nice.

I find it very interesting, your patronizing post. Who's afraid of them? Your entire post is a canard.
So Erik, if a man wanted to compete on your daughters team or against her, that would be ok? I think not. I could care less one way or the other if this guy wants to be a girl, but don't force me to play along with it. Start your own team. You see this more and more everyday. Instead of starting their own team etc, these groups just sue people. Why is it that they think money will solve their problem? Essentially they are saying "If you won't act like I want you to act, if you don't do what I want u to do, if I can't do whatever the hell I want in the name of equality, then I'm gonna sue you." I love all people gay straight cross dressers turtles but this is getting out of hand
Understand them so you don't make an ass of yourself, that's why.

You have every right to feel that way, Hanzo...but no right to JUDGE you see the difference? Do you see plastic surgery as a disgusting process? Do you like big boobs on women that aren't natural, or does it disgust you as well?

Going under the knife to achieve the body you either want, or feel fits you, could be wrong or it could be right...just depends on your way of thinking.

I suppose yes, I am judging the responses here...but for good reason. Responses like this are what promote violence towards targeted groups of people...They do nothing but harm.

The same people that judge gays and are 'afraid of what they don't understand' generally have the same thoughts about transgender people.

You don't have to agree with the fact that transgendered people exist. Science supports the reality that the brain of transgender people is different from heterosexual or gay people. You don't have to AGREE with it, but it doesn't change the fact that they exist. You can live in ignorance if you want, just try not to let it affect other people.

You can feel however you want, you can think however you want....just don't let it hurt other people. Do you see what i'm trying to get at here?...I'm sick of seeing people that are 'different' being ridiculed, the victim of violence or harrassment, or worse...killed because people don't understand. They're not out to hurt you or affect your life (in general), they just want to be a part of society with out having to put on a charade and act as something they're not.

That is why you need to try and understand them.
Vino 1 said:
So Erik, if a man wanted to compete on your daughters team or against her, that would be ok? I think not. I could care less one way or the other if this guy wants to be a girl, but don't force me to play along with it. Start your own team. You see this more and more everyday. Instead of starting their own team etc, these groups just sue people. Why is it that they think money will solve their problem? Essentially they are saying "If you won't act like I want you to act, if you don't do what I want u to do, if I can't do whatever the hell I want in the name of equality, then I'm gonna sue you." I love all people gay straight cross dressers turtles but this is getting out of hand
Vino 1
No, it wouldn't be OK. A man has no place on a woman's team or against a woman's team, if it's a sport separated by sex. This person is not a man; they are legally recognized as female and have been physically a female for so long that it puts her at no advantage. Do I think that she should be able to compete along side the natural born females? I'm undecided, but leaning towards yes once a certain length of time on HRT has been established or if it was started at an early enough age. I agree that the 'start your own team' idea could be a good option, but this forces people to "come out" as transgendered. When you're born transgendered, you aren't a "transgender" - you are mentally the opposite sex of your physically developed body. You aren't a "transgender" - you are a male, or a female....and people want to be identified as such. Like I said before, they want to be a part of society just like everyone else, no different, and be able to express themselves as they are not what they may or may not look like on the outside.

The lawsuit is separated from what i'm trying to get at here; there are plenty of "normal" heterosexual people who do the same thing. Is it wrong? I think so, yes.

Taking a look at what was presented in that picture, she looks less muscular and less manly than most females I see in bodybuilding. Just think about that for a moment...

She's legally recognized as female, and wants to compete legally as a female. That's not a case of if I can't do whatever the hell I want to do i'm going to sue you...
but I do see your point. Things like that DO happen a lot, but it's not specific to any group of people. All people are capable of frivolous lawsuits...and all groups of people are guilty of them.
Wow, another post that spews ad hominem's and judgment. I'm not ignorant because I don't want to see the world as you do. You are highly ignorant because you think you know what is inside another person's head.

I have no right to JUDGE them, yet you say that you are, indeed, judging other's (for good reason you say .... Hah!!). Really that should be the end of the debate right there. You discredited yourself as an unbiased, observant person to that of water carrier for the transgender people.

I don't really care what you're "sick" of hearing. You have thrown a blanket judgment on everyone who disagrees with you on this issue. I don't want to see these people hurt, or even ostracized and cast out of society. I think transgender people, and homosexual people for that matter, are mentally ill (have fun with that), and I'd like to see them get treatment so they are not internally conflicted, and they can be happy with the person they really are.
I don't give a fuck if you want to be a woman through surgery but don't go around suing people cause you a fucken man bitch! Do your gay marches or whatever you want to do as long as you don't get in my fucken way or ruin shit for other people. You and your long lectures, disgust me.
and I am not saying erikgearhead that people shouldnt do what they think was their intended birth right although kids with gender reassignements are different. Men's bodies are built to handle the juice and womens are not. it is as simple as that. what if i chop off my nuts and then want to compete in womens body building does it count now? they use the juice big time but why are they not getting as big as the dudes? If that guy decides to juice it up he now has a males body to fuck some shit up.
What is sickening is a 2.5million dollar frivolous lawsuit. How a person feels they are born or what they feel their true role is, is neither here nor there. Crossfit made a ruling based on the info they had and said if you are born with male chromosomes, you compete as a male, female chromosomes you compete as a female. The fact that this person felt this was unfair is ludicrous. They are trying to force others to determine sex the way they did. That isn't right. Once again a minority using the crying babel of injustice to get $, It's greed plain and simple.
I have zero issues with them having the surgery, if that's how they feel go for it.
I however do not believe they should be able to compete as their new so called gender under any circumstance.
This is no different than the dude who had the surgery and was fighting in some mma events as awoman and totally decimated any woman she fought.... fuck that shes a man beating on women... no difference you were born a dude then either compete as one or gtfo
Who gives a shit let him go and do crossfit LoL, that guy that was in womens MMA was knocked out by a women! the estrogen fucks them up even more! I would like seeing this guy get his ass kicked in crossfit by women.. The main reason is that while he's taking estrogen, the crossfit chicks are taking anabolics! ;D

on another note:
And wtf! Women turn themselves into men with testosterone therapy.. all they do is tell the doctor that they wanna be a man.. LMfao

Why can't i tell the Dr. Hey i wanna have 3000 level testosterone cause i wanna be huge. Prescribe me some test homie.
No of course i can't tell that to the dr.. but a chick can tell them they want to become a man.. lmfao.. I'm mindfucked!
if this was a different sport i would give a shit and chime in but... its crossfit

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