Tren ace run



Currently on 700mg Tren ace 500mg test e and 300mg npp a week. So far Im 3 weeks in and fat loss has been AMAZING dropped from 210 to 202lbs and cutting up fairly quick. Getting a lot harder and more vascular. Sides are minimal with heightened aggression and insomnia. Night sweats are kept down by having fan right on me with only a sheet over me. Appetite is going down but hope to offset that with eq. If it ever shows

syngen pharma
Working really good for me so far. Hope my tne shows up this week. Can't wait to throw that in the mix.

syngen pharma
Npp and tren =O KILLER!

On another note, pretty cool to see syngen running a long ect for everyone!
Looks like a good cycle man. I may have to jump back on the tren train on my next go round. Do you notice the side effects of tren are less running the test lower?
The last time I ran tren it was with a TRT dose of test and seemed to have significant decrease in the bad side effects. The insomnia was the worst part for me and makes me a grouchy fucker though.....
currently running 600mg tren a, 300mg test p, and 80mg var/day high tren low test is working great sides are far less 🙂
@ sportsfreak -- I like to run my Test/Tren levels like Syn, did it on advice from HP @ basskiller's site. I'll tell you what really alleviated my sides from Tren was pinning ed.Some peeps can't/won't pin Tren ed, but I loved it.
Yea at 600 mg I was pinning sun-fri 100mg/day and just taking Saturday off, I've really had no sides other than fat loss, strength gain, and always feeling warm
Hanzo, Bass killer is where I first read about the protocol of low test high tren and I loved it opposed to the opposite. Like you, I found the sides to be less like that but was running ETH instead of ace. My next go will be ace Ed or EOD with a trt test dose. I'm pinning 4 days a week now so a couple more wont hurt. Lol

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This goes against all my "old school" theology.....but, I might just give this a try!.....Now, just got to win that auction and pick up some stand alone Tren!!! 😛
can't teach an OLD dog new tricks T
TSizemore said:
This goes against all my "old school" theology.....but, I might just give this a try!.....Now, just got to win that auction and pick up some stand alone Tren!!! 😛
WHAT!!! this can't be happening.
RockShawn said:
TSizemore said:
This goes against all my "old school" theology.....but, I might just give this a try!.....Now, just got to win that auction and pick up some stand alone Tren!!! 😛
WHAT!!! this can't be happening.
Bitch!! Lol
TSizemore said:
This goes against all my "old school" theology.....but, I might just give this a try!.....Now, just got to win that auction and pick up some stand alone Tren!!! 😛
TSizemoreThe old man is finally starting to see the light here. Didn't think it would ever happen. Lol

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
sportsfreak said:
TSizemore said:
This goes against all my "old school" theology.....but, I might just give this a try!.....Now, just got to win that auction and pick up some stand alone Tren!!! 😛
TSizemoreThe old man is finally starting to see the light here. Didn't think it would ever happen. Lol

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Easy!!! Or I'll pin Tren Blend the way it was meant to be pinned...........I ain't scared!!!! I'll do it!!! ???

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