Tren and HGH


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Anyone have any idea why when I run tren e with hgh I get zero to no sides and can run a higher dose without the hgh and just tren alone the sides are terrible and can only handle about 200mg a week.
Interesting. I’ve only run Tren E once with GH and I didn’t have any sides either. I figured it was cause I ran it with low test. Maybe not.
Even if i run low test the sides are bad for me but throw in some growth like I'm not even running tren
Anyone else experience this?
What sides you getting?
i think it would be better to say what sides dont i get.
Have not ran this but possibly GH mitigating damage done by tren = 0 to no sides? Slowing thyroid kidney stress hepatoxic effects. Tren def takes a toll on your system. Gh rejuvenates heals repairs etc. When I take GW with tren it totally mitigates the damaging tren effect on pulmonary and cardio is a breeze. Just some thoughts.
I never really put the pieces together but i dont notice sides with tren while on GH. Im going to have to try tren with no GH, and then introduce the GH again. Just to see if thats what might be causing it.
Tren E never gives me the sides tren A does, I figured it was from the slower release but never ran ti with GH.
Iv already tested it long as I start growth a couple weeks prior to my tren it's smoothe sailing. I cannot run tren without gh my bp skyrockets anxiety and paranoia hit me really bad to. I'm a pretty easy going guy but tren makes me snappy nothing to the extreme though just easily aggravated
Either ester rocks my ass
What I noticed when running pharm grade GH with tren was better sleep and overall calmer when on tren or anything lol.
I think the deeper and longer sleep results in many positive ways while on tren, like lower BP and less cranky or short with people.

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