Tren and npp


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Ok I know the taboo in running these to compounds together, I don't understand the science totally but it could be bad....
Question is who run deca or npp with tren for joint relief and what are ur dosages?
Bad Ju Ju because they are both 19 nor. therefore you are really looking at some fucked up shit if you are pron to any sides, Now if you are just looking for joint reliefe i know a guy that runs 200mg deca on EVERY cycle for that reason and he has had no issues. however i say HE has not had any issues, we are all different. What do you have on hand for prolactin sides? What dosages does all the compounds in the cycle look like?
Anonymous said:
Bad Ju Ju because they are both 19 nor. therefore you are really looking at some fucked up shit if you are pron to any sides, Now if you are just looking for joint reliefe i know a guy that runs 200mg deca on EVERY cycle for that reason and he has had no issues. however i say HE has not had any issues, we are all different. What do you have on hand for prolactin sides? What dosages does all the compounds in the cycle look like?
this is killinit88, not sure why it shows me as anonymous
They both activate the pregesterone receptors. This is the trouble in running them together. I think a couple hundred mg of deca 150-250 should work well enough
I would use caber 3 times a week
Npp @ 250 mg
Prop @ 500 mg
Tbol in there somewhere
50 mg of tren
Oddly enough, I've run NPP and Tren together and felt great. No major sides and no prob with nipples. I'd stick to short esters in case you do have a prob, you can get off one or the other.

Yes they are both 19 nor but the pathways are different. May work in some and not in others. Have good caber on hand just in case.

This is Rock
Anonymous said:
this is killinit88, not sure why it shows me as anonymous
AnonymousBecause you're in the anonymous thread. If you want your name to be seen, you have to click the "Post with your Username" button
Just remember the affects od 19-nor's are cumalative , So if you tolorate 600 MG of Deca you can handle 300 of each fine, just dont do your normal 600 of deca and another 400 of tren
You should be fine. Run caber or prami while on them, as you should with either one anyway, and the 19-Nor sides should be nonexistent. Have all your precautions taken care of and its fine. TONS have ran the 2 together and had zero problems. Don't always believe the internet guys who completely advocate against combinations like these, against fairly high dosages, etc. Find what works for you. But again, answering your question, have your ducks in a line and everything prepared and you will be fine.

this is ajordana
I am running 250testc 300tren a and 300NPP with some dball right now. There are some brands out there that make a tren/Nandrlone product.
CB1 said:
I am running 250testc 300tren a and 300NPP with some dball right now. There are some brands out there that make a tren/Nandrlone product.
Are you using Caber and if so how much/dosing. I am considering this mix on my next blast.
Anonymous said:
Are you using Caber and if so how much/dosing. I am considering this mix on my next blast.
If your estro is in control you should be able to get away with .5 caber e4d, starting these compounds tomorrow.
I ran 300tren and 300npp with no caber. I think its fine at that low a dose but it could be a problem if you are sensative to prolactin sides.
bigdude said:
Ok I know the taboo in running these to compounds together, I don't understand the science totally but it could be bad....
Question is who run deca or npp with tren for joint relief and what are ur dosages?
Total BULLSHIT, show me the research and who and why do they benefit from the research, what is their qualification.

Years ago I ran deca 50mg for 4 months to help acjte patella tendinitis. .it worked wonders!
Now as for running deca and tren..fuk it run it..if u got caber or prami u gtg...some people are more prone to sides at lower doses than others. U wont die from combining them, just use wisely and back out if sides get bad....hell I ran a tren ace and winny cycle once and got great results..dont believe all the bro science.

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