Tren Fat Loss


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
I know its known to have a fat loss effect, but it literally strips it off me with no cardio and very little change to diet. If i run Tren E @ 400-600/week with low test My body instantly starts getting leaner with no side effects. Anyone else this lucky
Me to but that’s what I always heard and was told “This will get you RIPPED” Masteron also. I guess I am lucky but Tren fucks up my throat.
Its even more amazing with mast.... I love it

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i have to literally bust ass eat clean and low cals still never get low bf grrr
Tren does wonders but I get way to many fucking sides from it lol
I prefer Ace but sometimes I'm sick of being a pin cushion and run enanthate. I get very minimal sides from tren so the cleave off time doesn't worry me.

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I've always done Ace with very little negative sides and was thinking about moving to Enanthate for my next cycle.

What the reason you guys prefer Ace?
I prefer Ace because I react to it better and quicker (naturally). I hold water initially with Enanthate. Also, you receive more of the actual hormone with Ace then you do with Enan (due to the ester weight)
I have to do like Tsize said and run T3 with it. I am going to run some Parabolan again I had real good luck with that in the past. The plan will be to run Primo e and DHB alongside and of course test.

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