TRT & Primo


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I am getting ready to run an 20 week cycle of 250 mgs Test C & 500 mgs of Primo weekly divided up twice weekly. I have had great results with that before. I love Primo and have a legit source. My question is can I run it indefinitely after the cycle? I have read mixed reviews like always. My body loves Primo!

Here is what the indefinite maintenance plan would look like:

250 mgs Test C & 250 mgs of Primo weekly divided up twice weekly.

I get labs done regularly and my doctor is somewhat aware of everything I am doing. I told him years ago and he said he would do annual labs to make sure everything is looking good. I hate losing the Primo look after the cycle is over. Do you think this maintenance dose would keep similar effects after the cycle? I could do more primo, however my research says to do a 1 to 1 ratio for long-term use. Any suggestions or feedback would be much appreciated!
I am getting ready to run an 20 week cycle of 250 mgs Test C & 500 mgs of Primo weekly divided up twice weekly. I have had great results with that before. I love Primo and have a legit source. My question is can I run it indefinitely after the cycle? I have read mixed reviews like always. My body loves Primo!

Here is what the indefinite maintenance plan would look like:

250 mgs Test C & 250 mgs of Primo weekly divided up twice weekly.

I get labs done regularly and my doctor is somewhat aware of everything I am doing. I told him years ago and he said he would do annual labs to make sure everything is looking good. I hate losing the Primo look after the cycle is over. Do you think this maintenance dose would keep similar effects after the cycle? I could do more primo, however my research says to do a 1 to 1 ratio for long-term use. Any suggestions or feedback would be much appreciated!
Tyson13I have always for years ran a test primo cruise. I prefer this but if joints act up I run test deca have even ran test mast long. The primo keeps that lean look. Cost is higher but other than that don t see any downside. The only other aas that gave primo type results less cost was Stenbolone. Just can t find it anymore.
I have always for years ran a test primo cruise. I prefer this but if joints act up I run test deca have even ran test mast long. The primo keeps that lean look. Cost is higher but other than that don t see any downside. The only other aas that gave primo type results less cost was Stenbolone. Just can t find it anymore.
SupernautWhat doses do you run for your primo cruise? I was thinking 250 mgs Test C and 250 mgs of Primo. I can go up or is not the issue. Just trying to get advice. Thanks!
I have always for years ran a test primo cruise. I prefer this but if joints act up I run test deca have even ran test mast long. The primo keeps that lean look. Cost is higher but other than that don t see any downside. The only other aas that gave primo type results less cost was Stenbolone. Just can t find it anymore.
SupernautWhat is your long term mast dose while on cruise? What pros and cons have you seen with adding mast to trt and how long will you run it?
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What is your long term mast dose while on cruise? What pros and cons have you seen with adding mast to trt and how long will you run it?
puff88I have not run the mast cruise as of recent I think I was using 150 test e and 200 mast e . Stay lean and don t need any ai. May get a slight power boost from the mast verses primo. It is def something to try. I like cruising on 2 anabolics that complement and are non toxic. Clinical will always say1 to 1. but everyone is different. Trt dosages vary for a reason
I have not run the mast cruise as of recent I think I was using 150 test e and 200 mast e . Stay lean and don t need any ai. May get a slight power boost from the mast verses primo. It is def something to try. I like cruising on 2 anabolics that complement and are non toxic. Clinical will always say1 to 1. but everyone is different. Trt dosages vary for a reason
SupernautWhat else other than mast do you like to use with test on a cruise?
What else other than mast do you like to use with test on a cruise?
puff88I am running Deca and Test D right now. Primo and Test and Mast Test. I wanted to try Test and Sten but no Sten. I also add a sarm and peptide. I see Sityslickers post about GH makes good sense but GH not in my buget but the peps really help. Back in the day ran d bol bridge but don t advocate it. Also did on a forum years back a Ment only cruise for Tony H s co.
Ive thought about this idea as well, as ive seen it come up here and there. Although i would personally probably lower the dose on both. Maybe 150-200 mg test and 200-250 primo.
My plan is 250 weekly for primo and 250 for test c weekly. Divided up Monday and Thursday. My research says a 1 to 1 is ideal. Do you think I should lower those for a long-term cruise?
My test c is 250 mgs per ml and primo is 100 mg per ml. I was thinking of .5 ml of test c and 1.25 ml of primo every injection. Should I lower either one? If much. I am 5'10" 240 lbs right now. On my lean days I run around 225 lbs.
Totally your call. I just always take the most conservative approach toward things, especially if planning on longer term use. .4 of your test twice a week would be 200mg
Totally your call. I just always take the most conservative approach toward things, especially if planning on longer term use. .4 of your test twice a week would be 200mg
puff88Test C is 250 mgs and Primo is 100 mgs.

My long term plan is (0.4 Test C/1.3 Primo) Monday and Thursday. How does that sound?

That is after a 20 week blast I am getting ready to do of (125 Test C/250 Primo) Monday and Thursday....which I get amazing results from. Appreciate your feedback!
You probably be more please with trt and 2iu gh daily instead of staying on primo indefinitely. GH off cycle works so well at maintaining mass and maintaining that "on" look.

This will also let your bodies receptors resensitize and balance back out negative feedback loops like sbgh and myostatin, etc and when you jump back on you'll feel like you started juicing for the first time all over again. Well maybe not that great but you get my drift.
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