Trump’s 2005 Tax Rate Much Higher Than Normal…Even for the Very, Very Wealthy


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Trump’s 2005 Tax Rate Much Higher Than Normal…Even for the Very, Very Wealthy
by John Carney15 Mar 2017

The tax forms made public Tuesday night showed that Donald Trump paid $38 million in federal income taxes on reported income of $150 million in 2005. That would give him an effective tax rate of around 25 percent–far above the rates most very wealthy people paid in the same year.

The average effective income tax rate for all U.S. households in 2005 was just 8.8 percent, according to the Tax Policy Center. That means Trump’s tax rate was nearly triple that of the average American household.

Of course, Trump was no average tax-payer. His income put him well into the top 1 percent of earners in 2005, even after allowances for past losses. But even among top earners, the average rate was far lower than that paid by Trump.

The average effective rate for the top 1% of income earners in 2005 was 19.7 percent, several points lower than the 25% rate Trump appears to have paid, according to the Tax Policy Center. In other words, the tax return shows that Trump was one of the top tax payers back in 2005.
yes it did i have to wonder though why only 1 showing him gleaming and only partial was released
LMAO.Wow,this was such a breaking new story.Amazing how many retards were sitting on the edge of their seat waiting to see the "BIG NEWS" LMFAO.

Paid more than the idiot thief bernie and romnie and obama and even comcast!!

Yea,Trump so stupid that he's going to run for President and not make sure his taxes were paid LONG BEFORE knowing thats one thing they ask to see!! Time to get a life people.
then why not keep his promise...this smells of a release by his own side
grim date=1489703681 said:
then why not keep his promise...this smells of a release by his own side
grim date=1489703681Because only the crybabies care.He ran without releasing them,he won without releasing them and the majority that voted him him couldn't care less about HIS taxes.We care about our taxes.The conspiracy theory stuff is good for soap opera's and nothing else.

As far as his side releasing them,again,who know and who cares? If they did,great.Just proves once again he a step ahead of the crybabies.
You know what he still is without releasing them? PRESIDENT!!
actually anyone should care he made a promise he didnt fulfill
Even if he didn't make a promise, every pres candidate going back how many years? has released them. He's supposed to work for the people. it should be mandatory that they be vetted AND disclose their taxes for the past 10 years.
bossman said:
Even if he didn't make a promise, every pres candidate going back how many years? has released them. He's supposed to work for the people. it should be mandatory that they be vetted AND disclose their taxes for the past 10 years.
especially with possible conflicts of interest
bossman date=1489711724 said:
Even if he didn't make a promise, every pres candidate going back how many years? has released them. He's supposed to work for the people. it should be mandatory that they be vetted AND disclose their taxes for the past 10 years.
bossman date=1489711724There's no law that says they have to, so ..... Sorry.
grim date=1489711250 said:
actually anyone should care he made a promise he didnt fulfill
grim date=1489711250No sir,we just care about him fixing the country.Tell you what,if he fixes the country,we'll forgive him for not showing more of his tax returns.LOL
All we care about is seeing our tax returns looking better because of him.


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grim date=1489713558 said:
especially with possible conflicts of interest
grim date=1489713558Well that's been squashed long ago by multiple agencies so that sounded cute in the beginning for those that were foolish enough to even buy into it then.But since it's already been proven and stated by EVERYONE that matters that there is ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE OF THIS AT ALL,all it's doing now by still trying to get anyone to believe it is,waste the tax payers money by paying these idiots to continue with this instead of working on the real issues that have fucked up the country and Trump has been asking all of both parties to unite and work on.
Why not investigate Nixon and tell us he was impeached while they're at it?? Stop bullshitting around and work on fixing the problems of the American citizens.
Hanzo date=1489715439 said:
MSNBC even had a countdown clock posted. haha
Hanzo date=1489715439Correct.It's actually sad that there are that many idiots out there that were waiting on the edge of their seats watching this crap to see his returns believing they would show anything!! That many morons out there??

Whether you like him or not,how can anyone think he's that stupid that he would run for President,knowing they ask to release his tax returns and NOT make sure he was paid up?? Come on guys,how can anyone be so stupid? I don't know but obviously there are!! LMFAO.

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