

Time Deum
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Since when did defending yourself from 3 thugs beating you with a bat become homicide? That'll never stick tho thankfully there was a camera. Just goes to show you how backwards the US has become. They turn the criminals into the victim and the victim into a murderer
local news does NOT say anything of the sort.
It was being investigated as all these cases are, he is no longer in custody and as far as my news reads it is self defense..

The only ones saying otherwise are national blogs with a severe right wing spin. 1 was even called rightwing news or some shit.

Could things change? Sure, but nowhere does local say he's being 'charged'
Calm down Grim. It said he might possibly face charges. The evidence was overwhelmingly in his favor. He was incarcerated for 2 days, there's no denying that. Why is it that anytime you get bent out of shape it's because of rightwing whatever. This was from Guns.com, sheesh. No one said Left or Right. However, Milwaukee and, particularly Madison, have some tough gun laws. The question is, why did they release both of them? Who's going to be indicted, and of what crime?

local news V right wing blogs.
Ok, there is a huge spin in these blogs Hanzo.
Of course it's gonna be investigated...

Not gonna argue...
I posted an article I found to be of interest. That's all. I see no politics involved, I'm stating I think the man suffered an injustice in being held for 2 days and then released, along with the 1 remaining suspect. I wasn't trying to inject politics into the story, you did with your right wing meme. No argument from me, just posting an article.
The article was taken from Milwaukee news outlet.



See, I didn't try to load an article or mislead anyone.
slimpickings said:
You two kiss each others peepee and make up. 😛 😛
It's all good. I wasn't trying to prove, disprove or argue anything. Maybe Grim just misunderstood my intentions, idk. The new Hanzo gives everyone the benefit of the doubt. ;D
New hanzo.....lol
I hate politics....
Right wing, left wing, there all professional liars
What ever happened to truth ,justice ,and the american way
Just my 2 cents...
wasn't politics Hanzo, the spin was on 'right wing blogs' emphasizing possible charges.
Nothing to do with politics other than the spin these sites emphasized.

Of course it is going to be investigated, of course charges 'might' be brought.
These stories say the same crap almost every time.

As far as jailing it appears more the norm lately before charges brought, I AGREE it's BS to be jailed w/o charge.

Hanzo I am not trying to argue with you, I however get the local news on this and your story had an obvious spin.

All I am pointing out, now I'm seriously done.

Not everything needs to be an argument.
Hanzo said:
It's all good. I wasn't trying to prove, disprove or argue anything. Maybe Grim just misunderstood my intentions, idk. The new Hanzo gives everyone the benefit of the doubt. ;D
HanzoI think you misunderstood mine man.
now lets snuggle!
Hanzo said:
Dude, you don't even know me. I don't remember asking you for your .02 . You get the old Hanzo. So there.
HanzoI know your quick to pop off ...
And your right I don't know you bro.
Only reason I speak to you is because of where ur from I thought you were being funny and making a joke so I followed suit....
My bad bro
bigdude said:
I know your quick to pop off ...
And your right I don't know you bro.
Only reason I speak to you is because of where ur from I thought you were being funny and making a joke so I followed suit....
My bad bro
No,my bad bro. I WAS just kidding. The joke's on you. Woo Hoo!! 😛

What do you mean the only reason you speak to me is because we live near each other? That hurt. We've been together since like 1976 .... look at your avi!! I didn't mean to offend you my wookie friend.
Geez, we're all getting a bit sensitive around here, eh? 8)
Where was I when this fighting was goin on? Damn I hate being late to the party

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