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Immunity, Fat Loss, and Much More
It definitely boosts immunity and helps with fat loss, but what else could this natural substance do? Here's the new science.
Ask a strength coach what creatine does, and he'll talk about pumps and performance. Ask a neurologist and he'll talk about the brain benefits, while a rheumatologist will tell you about how creatine helps with fibromyalgia. The same is true if you ask various experts about beta glucan.You probably know beta glucan as either a powerful immune booster or a stimulant-free fat-loss supplement. It does both, but that's not all. Here's what else this natural substance appears to do according to some fresh studies:
1. Beta Glucan and Muscular Dystrophy
When patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (the most common and severe form of muscular dystrophy) were treated with oral beta glucan for six months along with their usual treatments, the majority showed improved mobility and muscle strength.These improvements seemed to be triggered by increased dystrophin levels (up to 32%). Dystrophin is a protein that maintains the structural integrity of muscle cells. People with muscular dystrophy have a gene mutation that causes no or low dystrophin levels.
Researchers want more studies of course, but they think beta glucan could help safely slow down the progression of this devastating disease.
2. Beta Glucan and the Common Cold
To further test out beta glucan's immune-boosting powers, researchers gathered up several subjects who caught colds at least four times yearly. After 90 days of taking just 30 mg of beta glucan, the subjects caught fewer colds. When they did get sick, the symptoms were less severe and didn't last as long.3. Beta Glucan and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
We aren't entirely sure what causes CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis). The underlying causes may involve immune dysfunction, chronic inflammation, and possibly viral infections. CFS sufferers supplemented with beta glucan (100 mg to 500 mg per day) in several studies experienced less fatigue and improved immune system regulation.How does that work? Well, beta glucan works by activating macrophages, dendritic cells, and neutrophils, essential for a proper immune response. This may help correct the immune dysfunction observed in CFS.
Likewise, systemic inflammation is often elevated in people with CFS. Beta glucan has anti-inflammatory effects that appear to reduce systemic inflammation. (These same anti-inflammatory benefits may help with arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.)
Finally, beta glucan is a prebiotic, feeding beneficial gut bacteria and restoring a healthy gut microbiome. This is very beneficial for CFS patients, who typically have imbalanced microbiomes.
Put those findings together and this could explain why CFS sufferers experience less physical and mental fatigue when taking beta glucan.

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4. Beta Glucan and COVID-19 Recovery
Research indicates that an inhalable form of beta glucan helps in lung function recovery in patients with post-COVID-19 complications by reducing fibrosis and enhancing the immune response in the lungs. Lung fibrosis involves excessive scar tissue formation, causing a stiffening of the tissues which makes it hard to breathe.This same beta glucan technology may help treat idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and other lung diseases by reprogramming immune cells to reduce fibrosis.