up coming spring cycle question


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Ok so iam approaching my spring/summer run. I have test e and var ready but i need one more compound to run with it and i want some feedback from you guys. I have gained alot of fat so i am looking to drop weight hopefully about 20 pds. I have run npp and tren a before. I really want to run tren again BUT i feel like shit on it and i want to flip out on every little thing! Soo if i dont run tren or npp what would be good to pair with test e and var. Keep in mind main focus is to lean out and add muscle. Feedback would be greatly apprciated.

Thanks Ram
well NNP is always my go to compound cause its great for everything, you're going to need to focus hard on the diet and doing the cardio, if I had to pick a compound that might help id say Primobolan but do the cardio religiously cause it's expensive
never ran primo before...i know its expensive and easily faked iam open to try what ever. I have improved diet alot...cardio needs improvement. I was wondering what people think about trying tren e instead of a or is it worse due to being long ester?.

Test prop, mast prop, and EQ. Throw some T3, or clen in there. Run at lower doses and bust out the cardio.

My bad just saw you have test Eon hand. I would add Mast or EQ, both preferably, and as above mentioned thermos.
I was just going to say mast but I agree with LT. EQ and mast along with t3 and clen would be great!
Ok so question about mast everything ive seen on mast is its good for guys who are already lean. Is that true? I havent used it before but have been interested in trying it. I just dont want to waste the hormone if its better used once Iam leaner.

ram97 said:
Ok so question about mast everything ive seen on mast is its good for guys who are already lean. Is that true? I havent used it before but have been interested in trying it. I just dont want to waste the hormone if its better used once Iam leaner.

ram97 its a hardener and does not convert to estrogen so its a dry compound, they always say be lean so you see the benefit, but its still a nice add to any cycle since it lowers SHBG and is a mild AI and just makes your muscle hard
Nothing will compare to tren.
How were you dosing your tren before?
High test , low tren? Every day shots or EOD
Tren is definitely the best to run for what your goals are. Like Jshredz said, maybe try to switch up the protocol a little bit. If you've been running high tren and low test, then go with the opposite. If you've always run it 1 to 1, then run higher test and lower tren. I'm a firm believer in the 1 to 1 protocol, but everyone is different. Otherwise, try Test/tren/mast.
I ran my tren a at 100 m w f. And my test e at 600 split into 2 doses. I really want to do tren again but im worried i have a new job that i love and gotta be even keel. Cant be a hot head and not sleeping at night. I have never tried the high tren low test thing. You guys think i should try it again. I was so veined out on that shit it was crazy. But the best ive ever looked was on npp. I gotta figure it out soon gotta order. Also been looking into t3 for weight loss. Not sure about it but may try iT. IT seems like guys like it but seems kinda scary.

ram97 said:
I ran my tren a at 100 m w f. And my test e at 600 split into 2 doses. I really want to do tren again but im worried i have a new job that i love and gotta be even keel. Cant be a hot head and not sleeping at night. I have never tried the high tren low test thing. You guys think i should try it again. I was so veined out on that shit it was crazy. But the best ive ever looked was on npp. I gotta figure it out soon gotta order. Also been looking into t3 for weight loss. Not sure about it but may try iT. IT seems like guys like it but seems kinda scary.

ram97Here's what I would try, in your situation. Order your Tren and instead of pinning M,W,F...cut the dose down to 50mg and pin everyday. (if you're worried about dosing)That will keep your blood at a stable level without any spiking. Again, I'm an advocate of the 1for1 ratio on Test to Tren. I just feel it's a more even keel. As far as the T3 goes, you really don't have any concerns with that, just start out at 25mcg a day and bump it up from there. There aren't any dramatic sides you have to worry about.
My last thought on this is the op wants to lose 20 pounds. Can this be done without cardio.... Of course it can but when losing that much,cardio seems like a no brainer. Cardio on Tren= no fun at all(at least for me.) also 20 pounds over weight runing a Tren cycle to lose weight...Lifting alone is gonna require an increased heart rate. Again Tren may not be the best choice for this much weight loss. My .2
Little tom the weight loss process has already been started. I have been lifting and doing some light cardio already. I agree tren and cardio suck. I have made major adjustments to diet and activity already. I am looking to try some new things like mast etc and new pinning protocols etc to speed up the process to look my best this summer.

Tsize with pinning ed that will prove to be some what of a challenge due to my living situation. I really like the idea of doing something different pinning wise and running tren a again. Do you guys have thoughts on keeping the lvls stable another way? Was considering running the tren a test e anavar and t3. Run test e at 600 tren a at ? And var a 60 a day and start the t3 at 25mcgs a day. Just looking for thoughts on this.


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