update feeling horrble


fuck diet tren hard bitch
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Well most of you know I hope off the gear after a year of being on test and been off for almost a month now I used nolvadex and felt like crap on it and my buddy have some torm and I started I swing it i been on a week started at 120 for 2 days and now at 90 a day. I have like no sex drive and can't focus at work and just feel like shit most of the time I don't know what to do at this point but get blood work again can any of you help me out, what I could do or should do it's effecting my love life and work thanks
Might have to cruise a low low dose for awhile then try this ?
maybe add in some aromasin and cialis?
Thanks guys but my chorestrol was 249 and they said it's properly from being on the test. And ain't aromasin for when on cycle?
halfnatty said:
Thanks guys but my chorestrol was 249 and they said it's properly from being on the test. And ain't aromasin for when on cycle?
who is they?

usually high cholesterol is from lifestyle and foodds (not fatty foods but carbs), no cardio, genetics etc. whoever said 'its properly from the test' is wrong
Sorry two different doctors told me that test has to do with it alot
drakonrep said:
who is they?

usually high cholesterol is from lifestyle and foodds (not fatty foods but carbs), no cardio, genetics etc. whoever said 'its properly from the test' is wrong
dont trust doctors! 😛
You need blood work. How long has you been running AAS cycles. JB Might be on to something. You'r natural production might be resisting to start up right now. The way you feel could be do to extremely low test levels. Get blood work done and post up your results. Or you could run Clomid and HCG hard core for the next month to see what that does. Do you have any HCG?
No I don't unfortunately..
AkProGuy said:
You need blood work. How long has you been running AAS cycles. JB Might be on to something. You'r natural production might be resisting to start up right now. The way you feel could be do to extremely low test levels. Get blood work done and post up your results. Or you could run Clomid and HCG hard core for the next month to see what that does. Do you have any HCG?
Re: update feeling horrble

halfnatty said:
Sorry two different doctors told me that test has to do with it alot
halfnattyDon't ever tell a doctor what you're on unless it's basically life threatening. They'll blame Everything on the gear.. especially the doctors that are clueless towards AAS.

Tell you your ingrown fingernail is caused from synthetic testosterone and shit.
You have had some issues for quite a while now and the only way we can give you some sound advise is going to be through blood work. We can all guess to what "might" make you feel better but this guessing shit ain't working man. Get the bloods done asap and come back with the numbers, hopefully this will give us an idea on where to go from there.
HybridTheory said:
You ever taken niacin?Its on otc supplements that is extremely helpful with hdl and blood lipid levels.May want to start taking 1 a day with a meal before bed everynight,lots of water,cleans your blood,makes your skin tight,helps me sleep better personally.
HybridTheoryNiacin helps me in the lipid area also but I get such a severe flushing reaction when I take Niacin that I ended up in the ER twice in a year. My face and neck/ upper chest got so red and extremely hot to the touch that the ER thought I was having a deadly allergic reaction to something. Niacin does work but start it with caution at lower doses to begin with. Just my experience.
age and how long were you on? Have you cycled before and when coming off did you recover a lot better? You might be like me.. Never recovered after a cycle and been on HRT since

You might recover based on the questions I asked. But might have to add some clomid / hcg
I been on and off cycles for 4 years now. This was my first year I tried to blast and cruise for a comp but never happen I am 26
You know a good website for the none one brotha?
HybridTheory said:
No problem,just take it on a big meal,make sure to get the non flushing kind,it makes all the difference.Chances are you have already experienced this flush before though,lots of preworkouts are packed with niacin,it feels kinda like the beta aline stuff.I recognized it instantly when I started taking pwo because I took niacin all as a juvi to beat drug test for weed.Used to clean out my system in one day with like 2-3 niacin the day before and nothing but water the day of the drug test.Saved my ass many times,its powerful stuff.

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