Update on my arm problem



Well as you know I have been having real bad numbness in my hands for about 2 months now, thought it was a pinched nerve and it would work its way out but never did, went got a massage and that didn't help, figured it was the HGH so I cut that back to a real low dose and although the problems became lighter they are still there. So yesterday I went to the doctors because the numbness and pain I am having sux, I cant sleep at night, I cant pick up weights without having shooting electrical like impulses in my hand and fingers, it just all around is not a good thing. The doctor told me it is signs of carpal tunnel, which I already knew from my research on it. The carpal tunnel in which the median nerve runs through at the base of the palm and wrist is inflamed causing pressure on the median nerve which in turn causes numbness in the middle fingers splitting the ring finger down the middle and the thumb. Since I have no numbness in my pinky finger the ulnar nerve is ruled out as a problem. S the doctor put me on a Medrol Dosepak to see if the inflammation is alleviated and the problem stops, if it doesn't stop in a week when Im done with the dosepak I have to schedule and EMG, that is where they insert little needles similar to acupuncture pins in my finger tips and hands and running up my arm to the shoulder to find out exactly where the problem in the nerve is at and how severe it is. He also prescribed me wrist splints to wear at night if the dosepak don't work and if the EMG comes back that I have carpal tunnel and require them. My doctor knows what I do and he don't question it, he just helps me fix my problems when they arise, he is super cool! My BP was elevated, 160/90, he didn't give me anything for that though. I have had high BP one other time back in 2008 when I was preparing for my world championship fight in Mississippi, it was caused by gear then and I suspect that is the same reason for it this time too. I have started coming off my cycle this month and I am down to just 6mls total a week, I was at 18mls a week total, I plan to be down to 1ml a week by the beginning of the year and stay with that for a bit. If I can get this nerve thing fixed I will up the HGH dose alittle.
Good report! Not on the Carpal Tunnel, I mean on you reporting back. Hopefully the Pak will take care of it. Did he say surgery was imminent? Or, to soon to tell yet?
He didn't mention surgery. He said we have two courses of action right now, we could go aggressive and get the EMG and see what we can do from there or we could do the dosepak first then see if that helps. I decided to start slow and with the lowest thing on the list first and work from there, no need to go anymore extreme than I have to.

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