Wackers and Paxton 11 wks Out


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Starting this a little late been real busy with kids, work, and well life in general. The plan is to try out my first and most likely only masters show. I really suck at bulking but this winter did get up to 194lbs which was 3 weeks ago. That is when I started started my cut to 176lbs the top of middle weight.
Current target calories are 3100 a day no refeeds, no carb cycling.

My cycle is tri-tren and T400, prov, var atm, I have drop all other AAS.

I workout 5 days a week and just started cardio 2x Wk for 20 min.

Started a posing class last night I was very flat, spent the day at a kids soccer tournament and missed a meal before heading to class at 9:00pm.

Current stats:
6% bf

Starting photos below:

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Not horrible for a young guy 😛 ... maybe 10 % bf . youre coming along.the cardios going to get you really ripped id focus way more on that now, 40 min at least once a day or 30 min 2 tines a day . my cardio is broken so im driving to the GFs house but youre looking on track
You have come so far Wacker!! Really awesome job, seriously!! OK, really pay attention with your posing coach, there are a couple things for you to start focusing on, but since this was your first go around, I'm assuming he's taking notes and you'll be working on them. 2nd thing....your 11 weeks out....Do Not Miss Anymore meals or feedings.. It is now time for you to focus completely on your goal and mindset. Everything else should now become secondary and your prep primary. You have to do what you have to do, but, at this point everything is moving towards 11 weeks from now.
You are sitting in a great spot for 11 weeks, what little fat you have left to loose will start to come off quickly...so don't worry about it at all, your last 2 weeks will bring dramatic change!!

I'm proud of ya, brother...Damn good job!!
Looking good man.Great job.Keep it going and strong.44 is still young and plenty of time to still kick some ass.

Good luck with the posing class.Great investment.
I think he is in a great position now at 6 weeks out. I have never seen someone stay soo lean throughout the bulking. He's gonna do well.
wacker if you where up north id train with you, the last pics great, lats, stratus, abs in a double bicep. looking great
Ok this was from Monday-started some cardio and reduced carbs in the am. A little flat but starting to look better and get separation. Coach checked BF Tuesday 6 points came in under 5%. Not a water tank and still need to work hard just found out the master over 40 has no weight class so the only option I has is to get pealed.

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