Watch those lab tests!


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Went to my Dr's office this week. Keep in mind that one of the things I like about this place is that they are totally incompetent, so they let me pretty much dictate what and how much I should be prescribed. There are down sides however.

After waiting an entire freaking hour in the little exam room the nurse comes in and she is panicked. My testosterone level is up to 1,500. Ok, I'm fine with that but I get that dr's offices think 600 is high. But wait... that wasn't it. In fact she thought that was great. (WTF? Since when?) So hey I'm happy. Then she hits me with the statement that we need to start some serious medications to battle my estrogen levels and perhaps go off all TRT. So I dare ask... What were my estrogen levels? Get this.... THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND SIXTY!!!

HOLY SHIT DOGS!!! She starts going on and on about how I'm going to need to see a specialist and how they can't treat me any longer because I could die from this. So finally I stop her. I asked, "So my levels have been in the 20's for the last three years all the way up to 3 months ago, and now they suddenly skyrocket up to more than three thousand. "Do you not think for one second that it might be an error?" I actually had to convince them to have the test redone. Idiots.

I finally leave, but before I go I ask for a new script for test and my anti-e. They give me the script, and of course it's wrong. It's for much higher test than before. LOL

I shut my mouth and leave the office smiling. Now I'm waiting for the second results to come back.

I walked into the blood lab and told them what my score was and they laughed their asses off. They said not to worry about it that this happens all the time. Then they gave me a back door website that lets me see my test results before the Dr even gets them. Ha!!!! My F'n doctor makes me come in just to show me my results, and of course charges me for the visit every single time. Well not any more!

Anyway.. this rant was simply to remind you that doctors do NOT know best. Most of them are just plain guessing when it comes to men and hormones. And tests are NOT always right. Do your homework and question everything.
I should probably point out that although my estrogen level was above 3,000.... my estradiol level was 14.6
did they prescribe any AI ? do you use any AI

are you doing the basic trt doses , say 200 mg a week ?

my original doc was super cool and when my results where 1400 he just asked how do you feel? I said great and that was it

but i never had estrogen side effects , he always said let me know if your nipples get itchy
My TRT doc prescribes me 125mg test week and I take .5 Ari once a week.

When my estro always got out of control I was just prescribed higher dose Arimidex.

Most doctors do not know much about hormones. Crazy story though, lol.
Your E-2 must be high that would explain why you babble on and on like a female.
Yes I use an anti-e. I take half a tab of Arimidex every other day. I have no sides, and I'm prone to gyno at the drop of a hat. My current prescription calls for 400mg test a week. I split it into two doses of 250 each, so I'm really at 500mg a week.

For the last two weeks before the test I dropped my intake down to 250mg total for each week and it put me at a 1,500 count. No wonder I've been feeling so damn good in the gym!
T-bar said:
Yes I use an anti-e. I take half a tab of Arimidex every other day. I have no sides, and I'm prone to gyno at the drop of a hat. My current prescription calls for 400mg test a week. I split it into two doses of 250 each, so I'm really at 500mg a week.

For the last two weeks before the test I dropped my intake down to 250mg total for each week and it put me at a 1,500 count. No wonder I've been feeling so damn good in the gym!
T-barT-Bar is this the norm dosage on Arimidex? Ive read other places about 24.5 EOD. Just curious.

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anabol69 date=1478315651 said:
T-Bar is this the norm dosage on Arimidex? Ive read other places about 24.5 EOD. Just curious.

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anabol69 date=1478315651From what I understand the normal dosage for Anastrozole, Arimidex, is 0.5 mg twice per week. They have me on 1mg daily. I was like, "Oh hell no" and went with half a tab every second - third day. That worked for over a year, then suddenly my results came back ape shit crazy for estrogen. Again it's pretty clear to me that it's an error. I'll know on the 9th when my new tests come in.

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