What are your super-sets?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
I love getting new ideas from guys that actually lift. I have some super-sets I like to do but would love to hear what the people here are doing. Post up guys, and gals.
i use supersets for rear delts, first set i just do a single wight to failure then second set I do the first weight to 15 then drop to a lower weight for 10 more, thirds set i use three weights with reps of 15, 10 , 10 makes the shoulders burn so good

use the same concept for tricep press downs with a rope and chest flys with the machine, have my gf / workout partner dropping the weights as I go
i almost always superset upper body stuff... rarely on legs...lol.

incline bench and rows

overhead press and chins

bench and face pulls

some of my favorites... get more work done by super setting
I superset heavy.. Whatever weight I can do for 5-6 reps, then drop the weight and do burn out.. For everything except squats/calfs... I do that one week then the next week I do the opposite - do a light weight for 15 reps or till it's tough on the last few reps, then go as heavy as I can for 5 reps (really pushes endurance, but takes a bit to know the body on how strong or what weight to jump up to so your not fumbling and grabbing more or less weight)... Alternating every week. Sometimes throwing in a week of lighter weight but flexing as hard as I can for every rep/set..
I see a lot of you guys incorporating drop sets into your super sets. Normally when I do a super set I will do something like chest flys to lat pull downs and work the back and chest in one super set. Now normally I do not use drop sets with these because the idea is going from one movement strait into another. I LOVE drop sets and I have had the most muscle growth using them. when I do my super sets I try and stay in a 10-12 rep range and go to failure before switching to the next movement. If I do this right, the next set I can not do as many reps to failure so I do less reps to failure. Three to four sets of these and I am pretty pumped and gassed.
LittleTom said:
I see a lot of you guys incorporating drop sets into your super sets. Normally when I do a super set I will do something like chest flys to lat pull downs and work the back and chest in one super set. Now normally I do not use drop sets with these because the idea is going from one movement strait into another. I LOVE drop sets and I have had the most muscle growth using them. when I do my super sets I try and stay in a 10-12 rep range and go to failure before switching to the next movement. If I do this right, the next set I can not do as many reps to failure so I do less reps to failure. Three to four sets of these and I am pretty pumped and gassed.
I love drop sets too, I normally can't do them after squats or deadlifts.
But on chest or shoulders day, I love 'em after my last heavy set.

But for supersets, my favs are my 50lb dumbells for curls, standing tricep ext., side lateral raises and one-arm rows(sometimes with my 100lbs).
Sometimes I'll only do the 1st three without the one-arm rows depending on my energy and time.

If I wait enough time between sets, and have enough energy, I can go through this twice.

But, if I don't have much time or am too tired, I'll drop down immediately to the 25lbs without rest for the 2nd set, and to the 15lbs without rest for the 3rd set.

If I use the 50lbs then I can only do this once in a week(because I'll be too sore), but if I use the 25lb I can do it twice in a week.

8) 8) 8)
LittleTom said:
I see a lot of you guys incorporating drop sets into your super sets. Normally when I do a super set I will do something like chest flys to lat pull downs and work the back and chest in one super set. Now normally I do not use drop sets with these because the idea is going from one movement strait into another. I LOVE drop sets and I have had the most muscle growth using them. when I do my super sets I try and stay in a 10-12 rep range and go to failure before switching to the next movement. If I do this right, the next set I can not do as many reps to failure so I do less reps to failure. Three to four sets of these and I am pretty pumped and gassed.
nice, i do these too on the muscles im not focused on that day, like if its chest and back day i'll do super sets of shoulder lateral raises right to dumbbell curls and right to one arm tricep raises, i can use the same weight and blood pump these three as a feeder since they got worked the last time or are the next work out day
misterB said:
nice, i do these too on the muscles im not focused on that day, like if its chest and back day i'll do super sets of shoulder lateral raises right to dumbbell curls and right to one arm tricep raises, i can use the same weight and blood pump these three as a feeder since they got worked the last time or are the next work out day
misterBNo concern on overtraining those muscles that you superset? How do you determine if you do those or hold off (if you went heavy prior, in those examples you said bi's/shoulders etc)..
Hi angle Incline Flyes then use the same bench and weight and do bicep curls.

Leg Press and standing leg curls.

Behind- the-nck shoulder press and dumbell shrugs.

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